83196 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Tokelau has not commited itself to any international environmental convention or treaties as the New Zealand Government acts and safeguards the rights of Tokelau's political development, New Zealand declared Tokelau's Exclusive Economic Zone on April 1, 1980, which then, introduces Tokelau to international laws.

Kept in the Vertical File|Available online

Call Number: VF 1179 [EL]

Physical Description: 5 Pages

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Policy to protect Vanuatu and to safeguard the national wealth,
resources and environment in the interests of the present
generation and of future generations".

Kept in the Vertical File
Available online

Call Number: VF 1181 [EL]

Physical Description: [various paging]

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Western Samoan Government (WSG) has approved
and now awaits printing of the Fourth Five Year Plan 1980-84.
The Plan, for the first timer contains a chapter (14) specifically
on the environment, "Environmental Planning for Development", which
tends to be more descriptive of problems than prescriptive of
action to be taken on environmental issues. The WSG is possibly
the sole island signatory to the draft "Convention for the
Conservation of Nature in the South Pacific 1976" for which

 South Pacific Forum Secretariat

Take appropriate legal, administrative and other measures to ensure that within
the area under its jurisdiction, all trans boundary movements of hazardous wastes
generated within the Convention Area are carried out in accordance with the
provisions of this Convention;

Call Number: 344.04622 WAI

Physical Description: [various pagings]

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for
International Waters of the Pacific Islands Region was
initiated and developed by the thirteen Pacific
island states participating in the work of the Global
Environment Facility (GEF). It represents a
pioneering effort by our group of small island
developing states (SIDS) to integrate our national
and regional sustainable development priorities
with shared global environmental concerns for
protecting International Waters.

 South Pacific Commission

The Niue Government is in receipt of its first National Development
Plan (NNDP 1980-1985) which contains chapters on social development
(4 1Macroplan') and social services (Chapters 19 to 23); comprehen-
sive physical or regional plans for land and coastal resource use
are hampered mainly due to the existing tenure system.

Kept in the Vertical File|See also French version VF 1295

Call Number: VF 1296 [EL],VF 1295

Physical Description: 7 p. ; 29 cm.

 South Pacific Commission

All islands in the TTPI have a tropical marine climate charac-
terized by uniform air pressure, temperature and humidity.
Average monthly temperatures range from 79° to 83°F. Usually
there is a greater range in daily temperatures (approximately
10°} than in seasonal average temperatures. Relative humidity
is usually above 75%, but ranges from 55 to 100%. Seasonal
changes in wind direction and strength and in precipitation
are the main variables in climate features. Most of the TT lies

 South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation Programme (SPBCP)

The sustainability of conservation area projects presently supported by the South Pacific
Biodiversity Conservation Programme is a major concern as the programme winds down
to its termination in December 2001. The development and implementation of transition
strategies is currently preoccupying the Programme. This initiative seeks to ensure a
smooth transition for each project to the post-SPBCP era. The challenge is to determine
the most effective ways of using remaining SPBCP resources to ensure viable and
sustainable conservation area projects.

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Pesticides as covered in the project include acaricides,
biological pesticides (bacteria, viruses), defoliants,
dessicants, fumigants, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides,
molluscicides, nematicides, rodenticides and synergists.
Pesticides included are those used in plant protection, in
animal health (products for external use only), in human
health programmes and for urban pest control.

 Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)

The effects of marine resource development, aggravated by the rise of population in some Pacific countries, are disturbing those elements on which life depends. Modem technology is making it possible for distant water fishing nations (DWFNs) to fish the Pacific Ocean and sometimes within the exclusive economic zones of Pacific Island countries. The coastal zones, the breeding grounds for marine life, are under pressure from overfishing, coastal run-offs and wastes dumped in the

 Bureau of Meteorology 2000

National Meteorological Services (NMS) play a fundamental role in the planning and implementation of many regional and international programs and activities. The success of these programs and activities is often critically dependent on the capacity and capabilities of the Services. It is thus

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This report was financed by the European Communities from a
grant of the European Development Fund and is presented by the
consultant Sinclair Knight Merz Ltd for consideration of the
Vanuatu Government. It does not necessarily reflect either the
opinion of the latter or the European Commission.

Available online

Call Number: 363.72859595 SOL [EL]

Physical Description: 78 p. ; 29 cm