83195 results
 Dalhousie University

Protected areas are key to biodiversity conservation. While the value of protected areas is generally undisputed, challenges remain. Many areas designated as protected were created for
objectives other than biodiversity conservation, and those objectives can conflict with biodiversity
conservation. Protected area legal status is, in many cases, impermanent. Protected areas are
generally too small, isolated, and few to conserve biodiversity on their own, and thus there are calls

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This Environmental Legislation Review for Tuvalu has been produced as an important component of the National Environmental Management Strategies (NEMS) Project. The NEMS Project was developed to address sustainable environmental development and

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

L’Étude d’impact environnemental (ÉIE) est un processus utilisé
pour évaluer et gérer des projets de développement particuliers.
Elle a pour objectif de maximiser les retombées positives et de
minimiser les impacts négatifs pour les communautés locales et
leur environnement. La mobilisation des parties prenantes et les
connaissances locales sont essentielles à la réalisation d’une
bonne ÉIE. Correctement mise en oeuvre, l’ÉIE peut contribuer
à la réalisation des objectifs de croissance verte, de résilience

 Mitsubishi Corporation

An environmental impact assessment (EIA) was conducted on Christmas Island as it was a prime site for establishment of the HOPE-X landing facility by the NASDA.

For submittal to Ministry of Information, Communication & Transport, Betio, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati|For submittal to Ministry of Information, Communication & Transport, Betio, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati|SLIC also hold a second copy at 338.9 DAM

Call Number: VF 2218,338.9 DAM

Physical Description: various pagings : ill. ; 29 cm

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