83641 results

For comments and feedback

Freedom of information laws could arguably be based on five fundamental principles – namely:
1. the principle of maximum disclosure
2. the principle of openness
3. the principle of limited exemptions
4. the principle of access
5. the principle of fairness and equity

This guide was written for governments, community groups and NGOs to address coastal protection issues through ecosystem based adaptation interventions. The work was developed as a partnership between SPREP and the University of Tasmania with funding from Australian Aid and the participation of the governments of Kiribati, Samoa, Vanuatu and Tonga.

Link to the online MGCP Topographic Dataset - free download

Pacific Women in Geospatial Magazine, November 25, 2019, Volume 1, Issue 1.

For review only

The maps highlights areas with significant shift in the shoreline  by overlaying shoreline data  from Nov 2021 and January 2022. 

ADB Fisheries in the economies of the Pacific Island Countries and Territories 2009

Tuna Fisheries Status and Management in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean by Hampton SPC 2011

A global review of species-specific shark-fin-to-body-mass ratios and relevant legislation 2012

Original Data at 231 m resolution (Trop-SubTrop_PeatDepthV2_2016_CIFOR   (40° N to 60° S; 180° E to -180° W)) was derived using hydrological model, soil moisture and geo-morphological data. There are some errors to note especially  overestimation of depth therefore all depths >10m have been thresholded to 10m.The Peat Depth Class from 1-10 meters were combined as one data then clipped to PNG Coastline for the overlaying exercise. This work is still in its premature stage.


Technical document

Technical document

Technical document

Technical document
