83641 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Visit to Canada, January 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

Needs assessment for wastewater training programme for the Pacific region, as a contribution to the global programme of action for the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities

 Pacific Data Hub

Water quality monitoring in Pacific Island Countries

 Pacific Data Hub

Attendance report - Tokyo Training Course/Seminar on the UNCLOS Continental Shelf Survey (TTCS), 15-18 March 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Attendance report: American geophysical union-Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting (AGU-WPGM), Brisbane, July 23-27 1996

 Pacific Data Hub

EU EDF 8 - SOPAC Project: Reducing Vulnerability of Pacific ACP States through integrated planning and management (Island Systems Management) in the sectors impacting on hazards, aggregates and water resources. Proceedings of the Fiji National workshop 1

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the Fiji National workshop 2, JJ'S on the Park, Suva, Fiji, 28 March 2003

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of Fiji National workshop 1, Mineral Resources Department, Fiji, 4 December 2002

 Pacific Data Hub

Project progress, intermediate report for the period January to June 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Project progress, report for the period January to December 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Project progress, intermediate report for the period January to June 2008

 Pacific Data Hub

Trip report to Noumea meeting with ORSTOM, mission oceanographique du Pacifique, BRGM, IFREMER and Service des Mines (2-9 August 1990)

 Pacific Data Hub

Index of offshore cruises in the sea area of Fiji

 Pacific Data Hub

Compilation of swath mapping, tracklines in the Lau basin

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC database on multichannel seismic tracks in Tonga waters

 Pacific Data Hub

A database on multichannel seismic shotpoints in the sea area of Vanuatu

 Pacific Data Hub

A database on multichannel seismic shotpoints in the SOPAC region

 Pacific Data Hub

A database on multichannel seismic shotpoints in the sea area of the Solomon Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

A database on multichannel seismic shotpoints in the area of Tonga

 Pacific Data Hub

Swath-mapping target areas in the EEZs of Tonga, Fiji, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea