83641 results
 Pacific Data Hub

SPSLCMP IV field survey visit, Kiribati, 1st to 17th March 2006

 Pacific Data Hub

SPSLCMP IV field survey visit, Federated States of Micronesia, 23rd May to 9th June 2006

 Pacific Data Hub

SPSLCMP IV field survey & RMBP sub-regional workshop, Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands, 19th April to 15th May 2006

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific hydrological cycle observing system (Pacific HYCOS) monitoring borehole surveys, Nuku'alofa, Tonga - 11th to 18th October 2008

 Pacific Data Hub

SPSLCMP IV field survey visit, Tuvalu, 16th to 22nd January 2009

 Pacific Data Hub

Northern Fiji Islands GPS data processing, Geoscience Australia, 1th to 14th March 2009

 Pacific Data Hub

SPSLCMP IV field survey visit, Republic of Marshall Islands, 26th March to 6th April 2009

 Pacific Data Hub

SPSLCMP IV field survey visit, Papua New Guinea (Manus Island), 6th to 14th June 2009

 Pacific Data Hub

SPSLCMP IV field survey visit, Solomon Islands, 12 to 20 May 2009

 Pacific Data Hub

SPSLCMP IV field survey visit, Papua New Guinea (Manus Island), 6 to 14 June 2009

 Pacific Data Hub

South Pacific Sea Level & Climate Monitoring (SPSLCM) project III survey visits to Tonga & Fiji Islands, 18th February to 8th March 2002

 Pacific Data Hub

South Pacific Sea Level & Climate Monitoring (SPSLCM) project III survey visits to Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, 5-18 May 2002

 Pacific Data Hub

Survey of Ravodrau bay, beach profiles, Deuba, Fiji Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Maritime boundaries negotiations workshop, - summary report -, 03rd - 07th October 2005, Hotel Kitano, Apia, Samoa

 Pacific Data Hub

Preliminary cruise report, Hakurei Maru no.2, Lau basin, Leg 1, 2 July - 4 August 1995

 Pacific Data Hub

Solomon Islands, country mission and technical advisory report: geologic impacts of the 2nd April 2007 earthquake and tsunami on the islands and marine environment of the Western Province, Solomon Islands, fieldwork undertaken form 6 to 24 May 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Geology and submarine resources of the Tonga-Lau-Fiji region

 Pacific Data Hub

1997 earth science & marine geology course

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the 1998 courses for the certificate in earth science & marine geology training program, July 1998

 Pacific Data Hub

Experts meeting on capacity building and the development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) energy sources, in preparation for the internation meeting to review implementation of the Barbados programme of action for SIDS, Niue, 7-11 July 2003