83648 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Approaches to vulnerability assessment on Pacific Island coasts: examples from Southeast Viti Levu (Fiji) and South Tarawa (Kiribati)

 Pacific Data Hub

Savanes - diving in Vanuatu by cyana/le Noroit, December 1991 - January 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

SPDRP information systems, user's manual

 Pacific Data Hub

CCOP/SOPAC gloria survey, Port Vila - Apia - Port Vila on HMAS Cook, 1 August - 1 September 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Metalliferous sediments in the CCOP/SOPAC region of the Southwest Pacific, with particular reference to geochemical exploration for the deposits

 Pacific Data Hub

A geostatistical appraisal of regional geochemical data on marine sediments from the SW Pacific in regard to exploration for detrital, bedrock phosphatic and hydrothermal mineral deposits

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on a visit to Tonga, in regard to pissible future offshore, metalliferous sediment and regional marine geochemical work in the Tonga region

 Pacific Data Hub

Manganese nodules and cobalt-rich crusts in the EEZ's of the Cook Islands, Kiribati and Tuvalu, part iii: nodules and crusts in the EEZ's of the Cook Islands and part of eastern Kiribati (Line islands)

 Pacific Data Hub

Criteria for the recognition of areas of potentially economic manganese nodules and encrustations in the CCOP/SOPAC region of the Central and Southwestern tropical Pacific

 Pacific Data Hub

Metalliferous sediments in the CCOP/SOPAC region of the Southwest Pacific with particular reference to geochemical exploration for the deposits

 Pacific Data Hub

Criteria for the recognition of areas of potentially economic managanese nodules and encrustations in the CCOP/SOPAC region of the central and southwestern tropical Pacific

 Pacific Data Hub

Manganese nodules and cobalt-rich crusts in the EEZ's of the Cook Islands, Kiribati and Tuvalu, part 1: general introduction

 Pacific Data Hub

Manganese nodules and cobalt-rich crusts in the EEZ's of the Cook Islands, Kiribati and Tuvalu, part iii: nodules and crusts in the EEZ of western Kiribati (Phoenix and Gilbert Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Manganese nodules and cobalt-rich crusts in the EEZ's of the Cook Islands, Kiribati and Tuvalu, part iv: nodules and crusts in the EEZ of Tuvalu (Ellice Islands)

 Pacific Data Hub

Sediments from the Braemar Ridge and Yasawa Trough, Northwest of Fiji

 Pacific Data Hub

The seabed morphology of the hazel holme fracture zone and the New Hebrides arc, Northern Vanuatu - Solomon Islands region

 Pacific Data Hub

Interpretation of gloria sidescan sonar imagery for the coriolis trough and the New Hebrides back-arc

 Pacific Data Hub

Canadian sources of work and assistance for CCOP/SOPAC, a report on business conducted in Canada, October - November 1986

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the STARMER Symposium, Noumea 7-11 February 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on meeting with metal mining agency of Japan and Solomon Islands geological survey in Honiara, Solomon Islands, 9-10 June 1993