83656 results
 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC experience with remote sensing and GIS, May 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Tectonic activity and plate boundaries along the northern flank of the Fiji platform

 Pacific Data Hub

Superficial structures and stress regimes of the downloading plate associated with subduction-collision in the Central New Hebrides arc (Vanuatu)

 Pacific Data Hub

Recent tectonics associated with the subduction/collision of the D'Entrecasteaux zone in the Central New Hebrides

 Pacific Data Hub

Marine geology of Eastern Coral Sea (Eastern margin of Indo-Australian Plate, North of New Caledonia)

 Pacific Data Hub

Introductory petroleum geology, geological survey of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, 11-27 June 1990

 Pacific Data Hub

Environmental setting of Namuka reef, Suva, Fiji Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Manganese nodules in Western Kiribati (Gilbert Islands)

 Pacific Data Hub

The american association of petroleum geologists (AAPG) international conference, the hague and visit to the UK

 Pacific Data Hub

Trip report AAPG conference and exhibition, Sydney 'exploration frontiers in the Asia and the Western Pacific', 2-5 August 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

Promotion of SOPAC member countries, hydrocarbon potential at the APEA conference, Brisbane, 28-31 March 1993

 Pacific Data Hub

Proposed petroleum regulations for the Solomon Islands, United Nations Center on Transnational Corporations (UNTC)

 Pacific Data Hub

Visit to the Kingdom of Tonga, Ministry of Lands, Survey and Natural Resources, 10-13 February 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

The second Papua New Guinea petroleum convention and visits to Vanuatu and Solomon Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Hydrocarbon source rock analysis of samples from ODP sites, 832 and 833, Vanuatu

 Pacific Data Hub

Economic analysis of offshore petroleum prospects for SOPAC member countries

 Pacific Data Hub

New petroleum potential in Fiji and initiatives to attract oil companies to invest in exploration, March 1993

 Pacific Data Hub

International oil companies targetted for promotion of hydrocarbon potential in SOPAC Member Countries, March 1993

 Pacific Data Hub

Draft petroleum act for the: Republic of Vanuatu; briefing document, March 1993

 Pacific Data Hub

A SOPAC desktop study of ocean-based, renewable energy technologies