83658 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati is expected to incur, on average, about 0.3
million USD per year in losses due to earthquakes and
tropical cyclones. In the next 50 years, Kiribati has a 50%
chance of experiencing a loss exceeding 1 million USD
and casualties larger than 10 people, and a 10% chance
of experiencing a loss exceeding 40 million USD and
asualties larger than 200 people.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Solomon Islands are expected to incur, on average,
20.5 million USD per year in losses due to earthquakes
and tropical cyclones. In the next 50 years, the Solomon
Islands have a 50% chance of experiencing a loss
exceeding 240 million USD and casualties larger than
1,650 people, and a 10% chance of experiencing a loss
exceeding 527 million USD and casualties larger than
4,600 people.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Cook Islands are expected to incur, on average, about
5 million USD per year in losses due to earthquakes and
tropical cyclones. In the next 50 years, the Cook Islands
have a 50% chance of experiencing a loss exceeding 75
million USD and casualties larger than 130 people, and a
10% chance of experiencing a loss exceeding 270 million
USD and casualties larger than 200 people.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Cook Islands is composed of 15 islands,
spread across nearly 2 million km2 of
territorial waters. The geographic spread of the
Cook Islands poses logistical problems for any
necessary post-disaster relief and response efforts.
The 2011 census estimated the resident population
of the Cook Islands at approximately 14,974
people, with a further 2,820 temporary residents.
Approximately three-quarters of the population
lived in Rarotonga. The geographic spread of
the population makes initial disaster response to

 Pacific Data Hub

Air photo survey of coastal erosion sites, outer islands, Gilbert Group, Kiribati, April 1993

 Pacific Data Hub

Air photo survey of coastal areas, Upolu and Savaii, Western Samoa, February 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

Preliminary coastal morphology maps, Tarawa, Kiribati 1988

 Pacific Data Hub

Air photo survey of coastal areas Upolu and Savaii, Western Samoa, February 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

CCOP/SOPAC Moana wave cruise 3 (MW87-02) to the territorial waters of Western Samoa, the Cook Islands and Kiribati, February 5 - March 3 1987

 Pacific Data Hub

Strategic management planning workshop, Centra Hotel, Pacific Harbour, 12-14 June 2004, summary report

 Pacific Data Hub

Project summary report, June 2003

 Pacific Data Hub

MAGONC, a data base for marine geoscience cruises in the South Pacific, user's guide, 1987

 Pacific Data Hub

Map user's manual, first edition - July 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

System utilities & software user's manual, first edition, July 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on Aitutaki processing at the Station Polynesienne de Teledetection, Tahiti, 10 January -- 8 February 1989.

 Pacific Data Hub

Projection user's manual, first edition, July 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

The wave climate of the Kingdom of Tonga

 Pacific Data Hub

The wave climate of the Cook Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

The wave climate of Western Samoa

 Pacific Data Hub

The wave climate of the southwest Pacific