83665 results
 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC's Participation at the international conference for renewable energies Bonn 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Reflecting and acting together to strengthen rural women's networks and to fight HIV/AIDS in rural areas, Brussels, Belgium, 13-17 June 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Regional implementation meeting for Asia and the Pacific for the Fourteenth session of the Commission on sustainable development, 19-20 January 2006, Bangkok, Thailand

 Pacific Data Hub

Hybrid power systems and their potential in the Pacific Islands, August 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

energy flyer.psd

 Pacific Data Hub

game final.psd

 Pacific Data Hub


 Pacific Data Hub

Report on a meeting with the survey team of the Hakurei Maru No.2 and the geology division of Solomon Islands, 15-22 September 1993

 Pacific Data Hub

Trip report to France, 19-27 June 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Trip report to Papua New Guinea, 9 - 12 October 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Trip report to New York, Paris, Brest Boulder, San Diego and Honolulu, 15 January - 10 February 1990

 Pacific Data Hub

Trip report to Noumea and Papeete to attend the "PIXILES 90 Workshop", 19 - 24 November 1990

 Pacific Data Hub

Trip report to Port Vila and Kone, 24 November - 1 December 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

PYF_2013_SOPAC_cconsultancy_report. Building damage analysis in Rangiroa following a 1 in 50 year storm surge event, sopac consultancy report

 Pacific Data Hub

Coastal rehabilitation Lifuka Island, Tonga: engineering options report

 Pacific Data Hub

Building damage analysis in Rangiroa following a 1 in 50 year storm surge event

 Pacific Data Hub

Sanitation, hygiene and drinking-water in the Pacific island countries: converting commitment into action

 Pacific Data Hub

GISRS-Pacific GIS/RS UserAccount Newsletter 1998-02

 Pacific Data Hub

GISRS-Pacific GIS/RS UserAccount Newsletter 2015-03

 Pacific Data Hub

GIS and Remote Sensing workshop run by SOPAC in conjunction with The Environmental Planning Unit, Department of Justice, Lands and Survey, 7th -11th December 1998