83665 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Volume 16, numbers 1 & 2, January-June 1999

 Pacific Data Hub

Number 2001 (1), October

 Pacific Data Hub

Number 2001 (2), October-December

 Pacific Data Hub

Number 2002 (1), January-March

 Pacific Data Hub

Number 2002 (3), July-September

 Pacific Data Hub

Number 2002 (4), October-December

 Pacific Data Hub

Numbers 2003 (1&2), January-June

 Pacific Data Hub

Numbers 2003 (3), July-September

 Pacific Data Hub

Number 2003 (4), October-December

 Pacific Data Hub

Number 2004 (1), January-March

 Pacific Data Hub

Number 2004 (2), April-June

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #007, 28 May 2002; Suva earthquake exercise set for disaster awareness week, Fiji Islands; regional consultation workshop on sustainable development; regional gender & development training workshop; Asian disaster preparedness center sch

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #020, 5 November 2003; SOPAC's new director chosen in Niue; $12m work plan & budget for 2004 approved; Solomon Islands department of mines back on line; updating Guam geology - a labour of love; EU-SOPAC project first regional map server

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #009, 17 July 2002; anniversary of Jackson Lum's death; major regional disaster reduction publications completed; SOPAC attends INET2002; SOPAC sustainable development agenda; regional consultation on water in small island countries; SOP

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #010, 1 October 2002; urban search and rescue (USAR) comes to the Pacific; Pacific small islands water concerns travel to the third world water forum, via the Caribbean; ESCAP/SOPAC workshop on energy & water; multibeam mapping of Majuro

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #012, 25 October 2002; SOPAC council endroses targets on renewable energy; disaster awareness week 2002 in Fiji; joint SPC/SOPAC regional consultation on EU EDF8 project implementation; SOPAC attends Carribean water meeting; new cycle fo

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #013, 22 November 2002; if you are allergic to sales speak, proceed immediately to item 2; working group fine-tunes new SOPAC Work Programme Strategies; EU/SOPAC project staff recruitment underway; Taiwan schlarships open for 2003 awards

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #016, 20 January 2003; community risk seminar, Port Vila; effective communications identified as key to community risk management; Ireland injects more funds into EVI project; marine affairs education at Dalhousie University (Canada); pr

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #017, 31 March 2003; corrigendum for SOPAC calendar 2003; World Water Day 2003 (WWD); regional earth day 2003; third world water forum; EU-SOPAC project staff recruitment update; SOPAC news: last issue for 2002 published on our website

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #015, 8 January 2003; secretariat office reopens after christmas break; salute to Tikopia and Anuta, Solomon Islands; SOPAC programmes and strategies; Australia and SOPAC sign new MOU; SOPAC equipment aid in police investigation of Fiji