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 Pacific Data Hub

Media Release Issue - Thursday 4 September 2014. New sustainable energy partnerships by SPC announced at the United Nations Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Apia.

 Pacific Data Hub

Media Release on the sustainable energy partnerships between SPC, EU and PICs highlighted at the SIDS International Conference in Samoa.

 Pacific Data Hub

Media Release 8 September 2014. 

Signing of the SIDS Dock Statute and launching of the PRDR were the 2 significant events that took place at the UN SIDS Conference on 1 - 4 September 2014.

 Pacific Data Hub

Media release on the development of the Pacific regional efficient lighting strategy in September 2014. See events for the PELS Inception Workshop carried out in Nadi.

 Pacific Data Hub

Presentation on Australian lighting update.

See PELS inception workshop for more information.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of the PELS Inception Workshop held 22- 23 September 2014 in Nadi, Fiji.

See PELS workshop event for more information.

 Pacific Data Hub

SPC Media Release - Tuesday 25 June 2013

 Pacific Data Hub

The Nauru Energy Road Map 2014 - 2020 builds upon the energy sector development agenda laid out in the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2005 - 2025 (revised 2009) and the National Energy Policy Framework (NEPF) of 2009.

 Pacific Data Hub

Prepared as an input to the development of the Nauru Energy Road Map

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of meeting held on 1 February 2013 at Pasifika Conference Room, SPC, Suva, Fiji.

 Pacific Data Hub

PIGGAREP First Quarter Progress Report - January to March 2014.

The first quarter of 2014 noted the following key achievements:

 Pacific Data Hub

PIGGAREP 1st quarter progress report for 2013. Since the beginning of 2013, the first was dedicated to ongoing activities from 2012. From those ongoing activities that were carried on to the 1st quarter, the following are the key achievements in that quarter: Successful completion of the Technical Site visit by the Talise Hydropower scheme Community team to the Solomon Islands in March, resulting in the Talise Hydropower team learning of the community-base management and operation of small hydropower scheme.

 Pacific Data Hub

PIGGAREP 2nd quarter progress report for 2013

 Pacific Data Hub

PIGGAREP 3rd quarter progress report for 2013

 Pacific Data Hub

PIGGAREP 4th quarter progress report for 2013. The fourth quarter of 2013 noted the following key achievements: Administrative and financial matters: Project expenditure for PIGGAREP by 31.12.2013 was 849,000. This brings the total expenditure of PIGGAREP up to 4,403,435 million USD, leaving the remaining available funds for 2014 at 821,564 USD. The first financial disbursement to the PIGGAREP+ countries (Tonga, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands) was done in Q4 2013.

 Pacific Data Hub

PIGGAREP 1st quarter progress report for 2012

 Pacific Data Hub

PIGGAREP 2nd quarter progress report for 2012. The second quarter of 2012 noted the following key achievements, despite a proper 2012 Annual Work Plan due to delay of the Short Term Consultancy report and recommendations for a workplan 2012 as agreed to by the Project Board:  Completed a Feasibility Study for the Samoa Solar PV Grid Connected project;  Completed installation of six Wind Monitoring towers in six provincial sites in Vanuatu ;  Engagement of a Consultancy to Prepare a Recommended Proactive Strategic Barrier Removal Approach (Short Term Consultancy);  Completed Monitoring a

 Pacific Data Hub

PIGGAREP 3rd quarter progress report for 2012.

 Pacific Data Hub

PIGGAREP 1st quarter progress report for 2011. The first quarter of 2011 covers the period from 1st January to 31st March. During this period, ongoing activities from the 4th quarter of 2011 were being implemented and with a few new ones that are mentioned in this report. This report is based on the 2011 work plan which was initiated during the 3rd multipartite review meeting (MPR) in November 2010.