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 Pacific Data Hub

Inception Report submitted by the Statistical Analysis Specialist ) retained  under the Asian Development (ADB) funded Technical Assistance: Establishment of the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office. The main objective of the Inception Report is to provide a detailed understanding of the objectives, scope, approach, and methodology including the tools and data collection formats essential for effective and timely completion of the assignment.

 Pacific Data Hub

Vanuatu endorsed work plan for National Energy Policy Framework.

 Pacific Data Hub

Draft Vanuatu National Energy Policy Framework.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Prioties & Action Agenda is an integration and prioritisation ofthe action agendas contained in the already accepted and ongoingnational and provincial programsincluding the CRP, Business Forum Outcomesand the Rural Economic Development Initiatives (REDI) Plans. The overall objective is to link policy and planning withthe limitedresources the government controls. This will ensure thatthe most urgent andimportant outcomes of these programsare achievablein the medium term.

 Pacific Data Hub

Companies Act 2009 (No. 1 of 2009), Solomon Islands

Passed by the National Parliament this 18th day of March 2009.

An Act to provide for the formation and governance of private, public and community companies, and to repeal the Companies Act (CAP. 175), and for related matters

 Pacific Data Hub

Electricity Act [Cap 128]

Laws of Solomon Islands

[1996 Edition]

Chapter 128Electricity

An Act to provide for the establishment of the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority, for the transfer of electrical installations to the Authority and for amendment of the Law relating to Electricity

 Pacific Data Hub

Regulations made by the Minister with the recommendation of the Authority to The Electricity (Tariff) (Automatic Base Tariff and Fuel Tariff Adjustments) Regulations 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa Energy Sector Plan 2012 - 2016. The purpose of the Energy Sector Plan is to provide a comprehensive plan for the energy sector to deliver outcomes consistent with the overarching Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2012-2016, with due regard for cross-cutting issues including emphasising the importance of raising living standards, increasing resilience and boosting productivity for sustainable development. It provides a resourcing framework to support implementation of the plan

 Pacific Data Hub

Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2008 - 2012: Ensuring sustainable economic and social progress. This report is in line with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act 2001.

SDS presents Samoa’s development vision, its medium-term national development goals, and the strategies that will be implemented during the four financial years 2008/09–2011/12 to achieve these goals

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa National Infrastructure Strategic Plan

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa National Energy Policy 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa Public Finance Management Act 2001. Consolidated Acts of Samoa 2010. Arrangement of Provisions.

 Pacific Data Hub

Excise Tax (Import Administration) Act 1984 Samoa. Arrangement of Provisions. An ACT to provide for the imposition and collection of excise duties on good imported into Samoa.

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa Excise Tax Rate Amendment 2008, No.16. An ACT to amend the Excise Tax Rate 1984 and for related purposes (12th June 2008).

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa Electric Power Corporation Corporate Plan July 2010 - June 2013.

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa Electricity Act 2010, No.13. An ACT to provide for a new legislative framework for regulating the electricity sector, the establishment of the post of the Electricity Regulator and the Office of the Regulator and for related matters.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Strategic Development Plan Framework 2003 - 2018, Republic of the Marshall Islands.

 Pacific Data Hub

Republic of the Marshall Islands Private Sector Assessment - Promoting Growth through Reform. Report prepared by ERI for the Asian Development Bank: RETA 6037: Private sector development strategy for the Pacific.

 Pacific Data Hub

Republic of the Marshall Islands and Secretariat of the Pacific Community Joint Country Strategy 2008 - 2010. 

The Joint Country Strategy (JCS) is designed to guide the provision of SPC technical assistance and other support services over the next three to five years. It is firmly based upon the RMI Strategic Development Plan Framework 2003–2018, also known as VISION 2018, and takes into consideration SPC’s capacity and comparative advantage in relation to previously supported activities and future priorities as described in the SPC Corporate Plan 2007–2012.

 Pacific Data Hub

RMI National Energy Policy and Energy Action Plan, Volume 1: National Energy Policy.