8978 results
 Coastal Resource Management Project of the Department of Environment and Natural resources

Mangrove is a type of forest growing along tidal
mudflats and along shallow water coastal areas extending
inland along rivers, streams and their tributaries where
the water is generally brackish. The mangrove ecosystem
is dominated by mangrove trees as the primary producer
interacting with associated aquatic fauna, social and
physical factors of the coastal environment.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 971-91925-6-9

Physical Description: 118 p.

 CSIRO Publishing

The history of New Guinea started about 130 million years
ago with the break-up of the great southern landmass called
Gondwana. The Australian continental plate then drifted
northwards somewhat isolated from other lands and carrying
a unique collection of plants and animals. The present form of
New Guinea developed as the leading edge of the Australian
plate crumpled on impact with a complex of smaller plates
and volcanic islands near the equator. Much of New Guinea
formed far to the east in the Pacific Ocean before being

 Australian Institute of Criminology

Trade in illegal timber throughout the Asia-Pacific region is suppressed to an extent by international policy, primarily the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
(CITES). While not specifically focusing on timber, CITES has some effective mechanisms and prosecution powers - albeit limited - that regulate the import and export of illegal timber
and timber products if they are listed as 'endangered'. However, there are inconsistencies and loopholes in policies and regulations at domestic, regional and national levels of

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Coastal areas and oceans are complex and fragile environments with many different functions linked to public health, food security, and other economic and social benefits. These are also decisive elements in the alleviation of poverty. Healthy estuarine, near-shore and oceanic systems provide cultural heritage, food, building materials, traditional livelihoods, tourism opportunities, transportation routes, storm protection, organisms for biotechnology and many more benefits that are frequently overlooked or abused.

Available electronically

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Forests and other wooded land together cover about
one-third of the Asia and the Pacific region.
Excluding the Russian Federation, forest area in 2005
was estimated at 734 million hectares, accounting for
about 19 percent of global forest area. The region as a
whole experienced a net increase in forest area of about
633 000 ha annually during 2000-2005. This
is an important breakthrough, since the region had
experienced a net loss of forest cover during the 1990s. The improvement was largely the result of an increase of more

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This disposal project is the second stage (Phase II) of an AusAID-fiuided project developed in conjunction with South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to manage persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Pacific Island Countries (PICs). The Phase I project, which was implemented between April 1997 and April 2000. involved an inventory of hazardous chemicals, and a discussion of management options for obsolete chemicals and containers, in the PICs. Although many obsolete agricultural and other chemicals can be disposed of safely locally, others cannot.

 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Small island states present a significant challenge in terms of sustainable tourism development. On a small island there are limited resources, economic and social activities tend to be concentrated on the coastal zone, and the interconnectivity between economic, environmental, social, cultural and political spheres is strong and pervasive. Consequently the sustainable development of tourism is more a practical necessity than an optional extra.

 The Smithsonian Institution

Canton Atoll has a single passage between the ocean and lagoon and lias conspicuous environmental gradients from that passage to the back lagoon. These gradients include the physiography of the lagoon floor, water quality, and the diversity and abundance of corals, fishes, and mollusks. The gradients can apparently be attributed either directly or indirectly to circulation
and water motion within the lagoon. Those oceanographic characteristics can, in turn, be attributed to the geological history of the atoll, including some human modification of the pass configuration.

 The Pacific Science Board

The Gilbert Islands are a part of the- Gilbert and Ellice
Islands Crown Colony of Great Britain, They lie in the
Pacific Ocean directly southeast of the Marshall Islands
and straddle the equator from 3 degrees North Latitude to
3 degrees South Latitude. All are low islands and most are
atolls. They are densely inhabited by Micronesian people
who are greatly dependent on the sea for food.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 259 p.

 The Smithsonian Institution

The avifauna of the Marshall and Gilbert Islands and the sur-

 The Smithsonian Institution

Rarotonga and Aitutaki form the summits of separate
volcanic masses rising from depths of 4000 m, at which depth
the cones are 45-55 km in diameter (Summerhayes and Kibblewh
1966, 1967).The lower slopes of the cones average 15-25
increasing to 30 in the upper 750 m and becoming very steep
the surface reef is approached. The Mauke-Aitutaki line of
islands is thought to be of early Tertiary age: the surface
volcanics are much eroded, with a subdued topography, or are
capped with limestones (Wood, 1967; Wood and Hay, 1970). On

 National Museum of Natural History

Caroline Atoll (Frontispiece) is situated at 10°00'S latitude and 150°13'W longitude in the south-central Pacific Ocean. Caroline is the southeasternmost of the Southern Line Islands, a group of 3 islands which also includes Vostok and Flint, lying 230 km to its west and southwest, respectively. Although archaeologically and geographically within Polynesia, Caroline is owned by the Republic of Kiribati (formerly Gilbert Islands).

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 309 p.

 National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution

Majuro Atoll has been a center of activity for the Marshall Islands since 1944 and is now the major population center and port of entry for the country. Previous to the accompanying study, no thorough documentation has been made of the vascular plants of Majuro Atoll. There were only reports that were either part of much larger discussions on the entire Micronesian region or the Marshall Islands as a whole, and were of a very

 Smithsonian Institution

The oceanic dispersal of plants and animals has been the focus of studies ever since organized natural history started in the Pacific, and the dispersal of terrestrial by sea rafting has been given due consideration. The finding of drift materials such as glass floats, tree trunks and seeds, is a common occurrence on the shores of Pacific Islands, but in most
cases the origin of such material is unknown or at least equivocal. Thus while the principle of sea rafted dispersal is known and reported at length, there is a need to document those

 Smithsonian Institution

Ten caves in the makatea limestone of Mangaia, Cook Islands were explored and mapped, totalling over 3.7 km of passage. Of these, there was an apparent grouping by elevation that corresponds with previously described sea-level terraces in the makatea. Four caves have major level sections 10-20 m above sea-level, corresponding with a 14.5 m Pleistocene terrace. The high dimensions of these caves indicate downcutting during

 Smithsonian Institution

The Republic of the Marshall Islands requested a natural and cultural biodiversity survey of 6 northern atolls (Bok-ak, Pikaar, Toke, Wotto, Rondik, Adkup) and one reef island (Jemo) which was accomplished over 17 days in September 1988. This report covers the results of the survey of the reefs and corals during the expedition. Ninety-five marine sites were snorkeled and the shorelines of all island were surveyed during the

 Smithsonian Institution

This paper lists the vascular flora of the three atolls (Canton, Gardner, Hull) and five small islands (Birnie, Enderbury, McKean, Phoenix, Sydney) of the Phoenix Group,
located in the arid equatorial belt of the Central Pacific, based on extensive collections made in 1973 and 1975 and on previous records and collections. The flora includes 87
species in 36 families. Only 28 of the species (32%) are considered native. A further 60 species have been recorded in the literature, many of them deliberate introductions which

 Smithsonian Institution

This paper describes the channels known as hoa which are characteristic of atoll land rims and of some islands on barrier reefs, where they often dissect previously more continuous reef-top sediment accumulations and conglomerate platforms. They are

 Smithsonian Institution

Nukutipipi atoll (5 km2), of volcanic origin 16-17 million years old on the Pitcairn (hot spot) Hereheretue line, presents a land flora and fauna of low diversity but with a Pisonia forest and hundreds of resident red-tailed tropic birds. Nukutipipi suffered from the 1983 hurricanes : destruction of vegetation and motu as well as sand lagoon mollusc populations. The north and south rims present original geomorphological structures.

 Smithsonian DC

Washington Island (Teraina) in the Northern Line Islands is a small atoll with a land area of 14.2 sq. km. situated at 4° 4 3'N, 160° 25'W. The Northern Line Island archipelago is comprised of four islands alined on an axis which runs from Christmas Island, just north of the equator, to Palmyra Island in the northwest (Figure 1). Washington Island, and its nearest neighbor Fanning Island, about 150 kilometers to the south east, have had close economic and social ties for most of their recent history.