120 results
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Ridge to Reef data, BIORAP Survey Site_Meneng Coast, Limited Meta Data, Compiled in 2018

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Ridge to Reef Data, Buildings in Nauru, Limited Metadata, Compiled in 2018

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Ridge to Reef Data, Coastline of Nauru, limited metadata, compiled in 2018

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Ridge to reef data, districts_Nauru, limited metadata, compiled in 2018

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Regional data on marine pollution: observer pollution events. Marine pollution from ships and waste incidents per country in the Pacific region. Waste composition includes: general garbage, plastics, old fishing gears, metals, waste oils, chemicals.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Data useful for SDG Reporting using DevInfo / PNGInfo.
National Statistics Office (NSO) are the Custodians of the Dataset

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Maximum Flow, minimum flow and discharge (flow) datasets in cubic feet and the latter in acre feet. Data collected by the Department of Works (Commonwealth of Australia) from 1954 to 1964 (10 year period). Data extracted from PNG State of the Environment (SOE) Report 2020 (page 198)

 Climate Change Directorate

Protected areas of the Marshall Islands.
Data sourced from: IUCN and UNEP-WCMC (2018), The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) [On-line], [July 2018]. Cambridge, UK: UNEP-WCMC. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net.

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Ridge to Reef data on Nauru's settlement, limited metadata, compiled in 2018

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Ridge to reef data on Nauru's water sources, limited metadata, compiled in 2018

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Spatial dataset with conservation areas in Vanuatu. Source: Vanuatu Resource Information System (VANRIS).

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Spatial dataset with mangroves in Vanuatu. Source: Vanuatu Resource Information System (VANRIS).

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Ice, snow and climate change are closely linked. The Global Outlook for Ice and Snow investigates those linkages. It also presents information on the trends in ice and snow, the outlook for this century and beyond and the consequences to ecosystems and human well-being of these changes. It covers all parts of the cryosphere (the world of ice): snow, land ice, sea ice, river and lake ice, and frozen ground. The Global Outlook for Ice and Snow was written by more than 70 scientists from around the world.

Call Number: 551.578 4 UNI [EL]

 The Nature Conservancy, Indo-Pacific Resouce Centre

The natural environment of Pacific Island countries has supported, maintained and improved the social and economic wellbeing of its people and cultures since the arrival of the first inhabitants. The importance of the region’s biodiversity cannot be understated; it is present in every facet of the island way of life. Natural resources provide food, shelter, medicine and are used extensively in traditions. In the past, utilization of these resources was allowed under traditional and community management.

 The Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans (PISCO)

Research shows that marine reserves are one tool that can help to prevent, slow, or reverse negative changes in the ocean. Marine reserves are places in the ocean that are completely and permanently protected from uses that remove animals and plants or alter their habitats. Increasingly, the public, governmental agencies, commercial groups, and scientists are discussing the idea of establishing more marine reserves to complement existing ocean management. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the latest scientific information about marine reserves.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

This chapter is concerned with describing the evolution of the FSM Sustained Growth Strategy (SGS), and the fiscal challenges facing the nation resulting from the need to implement the provisions of the amended Compact. Discussion starts through detailing the FSM's negotiating strategy for the amended Compact and in outlining the principal objectives that the FSM sought
to secure—macroeconomic stability and sustainable development. These objectives are compared with what the FSM and U.S. finally agreed, and which are embodied in the terms and conditions of the amended Compact.

 Environment Department

The high seas lie beyond the 200 nautical mile limits that define the extent of national sovereignty by countries of the world. They cover 64% of the area of the oceans, and nearly half the surface of the planet. They are a global commons, under the stewardship of the United Nations Law of the Sea for the benefit of all nations. But human pressures on the high seas are increasing fast, and urgent action is needed to protect them from harm. Recent research shows that industrial fishing has

 International Water Centre

In June 2007 a group of engineers, public health practitioners, local and international NGO staff, academics and government
representatives gathered to discuss water and sanitation in South East Asia and the Pacific at the Let's Come Clean Conference in Melbourne, Australia. At the conference, consensus emerged on the need for greater regional exchange of experience in sanitation. It was agreed that more could be done to document and disseminate practical lessons learned from water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives throughout the region.

Available online

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Forests and other wooded land together cover about
one-third of the Asia and the Pacific region.
Excluding the Russian Federation, forest area in 2005
was estimated at 734 million hectares, accounting for
about 19 percent of global forest area. The region as a
whole experienced a net increase in forest area of about
633 000 ha annually during 2000-2005. This
is an important breakthrough, since the region had
experienced a net loss of forest cover during the 1990s. The improvement was largely the result of an increase of more

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

At its sixth meeting the Conference of the Parties, in decision VI/7 A endorsed the draft guidelines for incorporating biodiversity-related issues into environmental impact assessment legislation and/or processes and in strategic environmental assessment.