8 results
 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

This dataset holds two reports;

* National Disaster Management Plan 2017 - 2020

* Samoa National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Management 2017 - 2021

The Samoa National Action Plan (NAP) for Disaster Risk Management is an operational document that should be read in conjunction with the National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) 2017-2020.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

This act provides for the management of disasters and emergencies in Samoa by effective planning and risk reduction, response and recovery procedures and the promotion of coordination amongst the agencies responsible for disaster management

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

The NESP is a compilation of efforts and contributions across the sector which is a clear reflection of Samoa's collective responsibility as 'custodians' of the environment. The National Environment Sector Plan (NESP) 2017 ‐ 2021 updates the NESP 2013‐2016. It is based on the most recent State of the Environment (SOE) assessment documented in 2013, lessons learned from the previous NESP and outcomes of the Sector SWOT Analysis, which was conducted as part of the NESP review and update process

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

This Early Recovery Framework was presented to the Government, donors and the wider community the costed options designed to bring about an early recovery process that was both effective in meeting the needs of the population affected by the 29 September 2009 earthquake and subsequent tsunami, and sustainable in the long-term development of affected communities and the economy of Samoa

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

Since the adoption of Agenda 21 following the United Nations Conference on Environment and development in 1992, this report constitutes the first opportunity for Samoa to assess its situation with regard to sustainable development in the past decade

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

This dataset holds all CIM Plans for each district of Samoa. The CIM Plans are envisaged as blueprints for climate change interventions across all development sectors reflecting the programmatic approach to climate resilience adaptation taken by the Government of Samoa.

The proposed interventions outlined in the CIM Plans are also linked to the Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2016/17 – 2019/20 and the relevant ministry sector plans.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

Cyclone Evan hit Samoa in December 2012 and caused immense damage and significant losses. This comprehensive assessment estimates those damages and losses, and identifies the needs of the affected population.

In this report, the value of durable physical assets across all economic and social sectors destroyed by Evan (referred to as damage) is estimated at SAT 235.7 million, equivalent to US$103.3 million.