8198 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Regional information and communication technologies needs assessment and project planning conference. Planning session 1. Mon 2 - Tues 3 April 2001, SPC, Noumea. [RESTRICTED]

 Pacific Data Hub

GIS and remote sensing workshop proposal for Republic of Nauru Government. [RESTRICTED]

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) Information technology/management strategic action plan, July 2009, RESTRICTED

 Pacific Data Hub

Record of the First SPC Applied Geoscience and Technology Division Meeting (SOPAC-1), 17-21 October 2011, Nadi, Fiji Islands (Online at www.sopac.org and available on DVD on request)

 Pacific Data Hub

Marshall Islands Ministry of Foreign Affairs network based information system report and recommendations. [RESTRICTED]

 Pacific Data Hub

Tuvalu ICT Department: review and recommendations of ICT activities. [RESTRICTED]

 Pacific Data Hub

MNRD LAN-WAN based information system (MNRDIS) report and recommendations November 2003 revision. [RESTRICTED]

 Pacific Data Hub

An evaluation of the remaining phosphate deposits in Banaba Island (CONFIDENTIAL)

 Pacific Data Hub

Civil crisis in Pacific Island countries: a framework for delivery of humantarian assistance to those in need. [RESTRICTED]

 Climate Change Directorate

This dataset provides a direct internet link to RMI data hosted on the GBIF records.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Forum Leaders embrace Pacific regionalism as:

*The expression of a common sense of identity and purpose, leading progressively to the sharing of institutions, resources, and markets, with the purpose of complementing national efforts, overcoming common constraints, and enhancing sustainable and inclusive development within Pacific countries and territories and for the Pacific region as a whole*

Principal objectives are;

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

Environmental conditions and anthropogenic impacts are key influences on ecological processes and associated ecosystem services. Effective management of Tonga’s marine ecosystems therefore depends on accurate and up-to-date knowledge of environmental and anthropogenic variables. Although many types of environmental and anthropogenic data are now available in global layers, they are often inaccessible to end users, particularly in developing countries with limited accessibility and analytical training.

 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

Dataset that provides a direct link to Tuvalu's data hosted on the GBIF website / records.

 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

Tuvalu-related publications on Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
Search using the keyword "Tuvalu". 793 Results as of 15 April, 2018

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The UN Biodiversity Lab is an online platform that allows policymakers and other partners to access global data layers, upload and manipulate their own datasets, and query multiple datasets to provide key information on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and nature-based Sustainable Development Goals.

 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

'Story Maps' allows an individual to combine authoritative maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content to make it easy to harness the power of maps and geography to tell a story. An insight into Tuvalu's environmental issues is featuring on the story map website with images and ArcGIS contents.

 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

Tuvalu became the 189th member of the United Nations on September 5, 2000. This dataset provides a direct internet link to access all the highlight information pertaining to Tuvalu's participation in the UN

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Convention for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region (1986) is also known as the SPREP Convention or Noumea Convention. The Convention has two Protocols that also entered into force in 1990. This Convention is the major multilateral umbrella agreement in the Pacific Region for the protection of natural resources and the environment.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Dataset that provides a direct link to Vanuatu's data hosted on the GBIF website/records.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Summary table of the status of Pacific Island countries in relation to International and Regional conventions.