249 results

Rarotonga’s wetlands, with in-fill areas of wetlands, and other types of land-use. (SPREP, 2015; Data source NES)

Figure 95: Rarotonga’s wetlands near Avarua. (SPREP, 2015, Data source NES)

Geojson format of Tuvalu reefs

click the file for a preview

Spatial file containing files of PA

Shapefile format for Protected Areas of Samoa

Shapefile polygon for PA of Samoa

Map of the protected areas for Cook Islands with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Building foot prints

Districts in Samoa, limited metadata

GIS file (geojson format) displaying protected areas in Palau.

GIS file (geojson format) displaying protected areas. This file complements the polygon file.

GeoJson Data Previews - shapefile points