5380 results

This is a copy of the presentation made by Dr. Indroyono Soesilo, Chairman, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. The Republic of Indonesia, in 2008.

This is a collated zipped file of the documents and results from the first meeting of CTI Coordination Committee (CCC1) in Jakarta (May 22-24) 2008. This contains all decision documents (the "Jakarta Draft", Chairman's Summary, the decision document on coordination mechanism, and the decision document on roadmap adjustment) as well as all other supporting documents (daily minutes, expert's presentation, and the Issues and Options Discussion Draft).

This is the Coral Triangle Initiative on coral reefs, fisheries and food security (CTI-CFF) 10-year Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) that serves to capture priorities and actions of the Coral Triangle countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Timor-leste) to safeguarding the world's epicenter of marine biodiversity. This was released in Manado, Indonesia in May 2009.

This zipped file compiles documents, reports and publications developed and produced by CTSP NGO partners including the Solomon Islands National Coordinating Committee during the course of the 5-years USCTI Support Program under the CTI-CFF national work program (2009-2013).

Powerpoint awareness presentation on waste management

This contains frequently asked questions with some information to respond to these student fieldwork questions.

Information brochure of how to manage wastes.

Brief information on Solid Waste Management in Honiara.

This is an education awareness on Environmental Degradation.

This is a record of discussion for the Solomon Islands J-PRISM II Basic Design Survey Minutes of meeting.

This zipped file contains pdf documents on the First Workshop on Planning Framework for HCC SWM Plan in January 2018.

This is the minutes of meeting for the 1st Joint Coordinating Committee Meeting under the J-PRISM II Project.

Summary data of incoming waste survey conducted in 2017

This report provides an analysis and assessment of legislation, policies, strategies and plans relevant to management and use of the Solomon Islands oceans and will contribute to the development of both the oceans policy and plan.

This report summarizes the main findings of an analysis and assessment of 54 instruments of legislation, policies, strategies and plans relevant to management and use of the Solomon Islands oceans and will contribute to the development of both the oceans policy and plan.

A factsheet explaining marine ecosystem services developed by MACBIO.

Factsheet developed by MACBIO on Economic Valuation of Marine Ecosystem SServices. What are ecosystem services? The case for economic valuation of marine ecosystem servces in the Pacific. How can economic values for ecosystem services be used in decision making in the Pacific?