833 results

Our cultures and traditions are deeply entrenched in every Papua New Guinean, in our families, our homes and basically in our way of life. Our cultures and traditions are also preserved and kept alive through our arts, paintings, sculptures, carvings, dances and songs, folklores, architecture and literature. In fact, our cultures and traditions apply in all aspects of our lives. Culture is the very essence of our existence - it reflects our history, language, tradition and our beliefs.

Framework designed in Port Moresby in June 2002. Outlines rationale, goals and objectives, cooperation strategies to assist the UNDAF, implementation, monitoring,review and Programme Resources Framework to assist PNG

This dataset contains information on plastic and other waste in the Pacific Island region, and it was provided by the author of the related article: *Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean*.

Downloaded from IUCN redlist using country and redlist category (extinct, critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable) filters

Global forest watch PNG's forest loss downloaded from www.globalforestwatch.org

This report arises from the Final Evaluation Mission for the Programme. The evaluation has reported according to a format specific to GEF requirements for an assessment to the completion of the Programme. There is an active dialogue in PNG about what might come after the completion of the pilot Programme, building on the foundations which it has laid for strengthened biodiversity conservation. In particular, there is a keen interest in the future for the communities and biodiversity values of the two areas in which ICAD processes were initiated.

This report arises from the Final Evaluation Mission for the Programme. The evaluation has reported according to a format specific to GEF requirements for an assessment to the completion of the Programme. There is an active dialogue in PNG about what might come after the completion of the pilot Programme, building on the foundations which it has laid for strengthened biodiversity conservation. In particular, there is a keen interest in the future for the communities and biodiversity values of the two areas in which ICAD processes were initiated.

Common Sand reef flat marine organisms in the Pacific Island Countries.

Mangrove species in the Pacific Island countries.