144 results

Online post by Energy Sector Management Assistance Program in 2017

As part of the Coastal Health Monitoring component of the Tuvalu IW R2R Project, baseline water quality surveys and analysis were carried from 14th to 17th September 2018. The coastal health monitoring program is designed to characterise ecological health of, and assess causal links between land based activities, and algal blooms and ciguatera occurrences in the Fogafale lagoon adjacent to populated areas of Funafuti atoll in Tuvalu. Baseline assessments of the Tafua pond, adjacent to the IW R2R demonstration dry-litter piggery site, was also conducted.


Terms of Reference for the Ridge to Reef Consultancy Vacancy

This is the copy of the draft Environment Bill 2023 that is currently been presented to relevant stakeholders for comments/feedbacks/queries. This draft Environment Bill 2023 will be finalized once all relevant stakeholders and concerned parties are consulted for submission to Parliament. 

Agenda for the meeting on March 6, 2024 @11:00

Offshore fisheries data used for Nauru's State of Environment 2022 Report

Old black and white photograph of people fishing at Buada Lagoon

The map shows the different landcover classes in Nauru Island.

The map shows the different landuse classes in Nauru Island.

Customary land registration processes can easily be captured by local ‘big men’ and companies with disastrous consequences for local people. This is the conclusion drawn in a study on recent oil palm expansion in Papua New Guinea by academic Caroline Hambloch from the University of London.

This paper analyses the perceptions of 120 landowner-households of Nanadai Clan of Gaire Village in Central Province and Sek Clan of Madang Province concerning breaking apart of communal ownership of customary land in PNG.

Map of protected areas within RMI produced by MIMRA.

Sustainable Development