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Technical document

Technical document

A Basic Education For All (EFA) is critical if all citizens are to participate in a modern society. This is a right for all children, both boys and girls, in Papua New Guinea as stated in the National Constitution. A basic education is essential for the personal development of all people to provide them with the skills and knowledge to improve their quality of life.

The process to develop the Tonga Energy Road Map represents a joint effort among the Government of Tonga (GoT), Tonga Power Ltd. (TPL) and the development partners. The key analytical studies which form the inputs to the Road Map are financed by different agencies.

… RAROTONGA 2010 WATER QUALITY DATA REPORT January – December 2009 … pdf …
… Heather and Anuradha Gupta. 2011. State of Palau’s Birds 2010: A conservation guide for communities and policymakers. …
… Sites and Sea Turtle Legislation throughout Oceania 2010 … pdf … 68 …
… Gerber, Federica. 2010. An economic assessment of drinking water safety …

This review was prepared by the Pacific Invasives Initiative (PII) on request from the Pacific Invasives Partnership (PIP)