4810 results

This guide assists PICs to build on existing laws and institutions to protect their environments, economies and societies from plastic pollution, improve waste management and recovery, and find alternative and practical solutions to avoidable plastic use.

The action plan sets out the policy context and key actions to minimize marine litter across the Pacific islands countries and territories.

The direct link to the Micronesia Challenge website.

direct internet link to the Pacific Climate Change Portal

a direct internet link to the CBD Coral Reefs Biodiversity Portal

Presented delivered Mr. Clark Duseigner ( GIS Officer) on the use of GIS in EPC, Samoa.

Presentation delivered by Ms. To'oa Brown on the use and application of GIS in the local based agriculture project (MGP-SAFPROM implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture

Presentation delivered by Mr. Paul Anderson (SPREP UNEP-GEF Inform Project Manager) on GIS and decision making as well as the existence of this platform (Environment Data Portal)

Presentation delivered by Mr. Unasa Nomeneta Saili from SkyEye on the use of GIS for the Measles nation-wide vaccination programme in 2019

Presentation delivered by Mr. Nomeneta Saili from Skyeye on the application of GIS to identify EPC assets that were damaged during the 2009 tsunami

Presentation delivered by Mr. Unasa Nomeneta Saili of SkyEye on the future for GIS for Samoa

Presentation delivered by Mr.James Atherton (vice president of Samoa Conservation Society) on the history and background of GIS and remote sensing in Samoa

An introductory presentation on what FOSS4G stands for and how the conference emerged.

This is a SIWSAP potable water feasibility map of the Aorigi community on Santa Catalina Island in Solomon Islands.

This is a SIWSAP potable water feasibility map of Manoaba Island in Solomon Islands.

This is a SIWSAP potable water feasibility map of Fenualoa Island in Solomon Islands.

Official DKAN data portal user manual.

User Guide on getting started with the Inform Data portal

Protected Areas, Law, Biodiversity

Report on Eco-bag project