535 results

Fish Market Data Sales in 2004 - 2018 total

HPO Permit Clearance

This file is a template for planning your activities on a calendar, as Ymee had shared with all of us while we were in Kosrae.

Locations of AF sites on Kapingamarangi island

Locations of AF sites on Nukuoro island

This a completely made up fictional dataset.

Data quality is pretty low, I wouldn't trust it.

Data is accurate and data points are sourced (in each row) but some documents have not been referenced e.g. Island strategic plans for those pa enua islands that have them. Based on 2017 documents but last worked on 27 March 2018.

Ozone Depleting Substances Consumption data from UNEP 2015 or older

Imported substances CFCs, HCFCs, HBFCs, halons, methyl chloroform, carbon, tetrachloride, bromochloromethane, or methyl bromide in metric tonnes from Jan to Dec 2012

Details the legislations and actions in place regarding the ban or importation of specific ODS chemicals

A record of diesel consumption on Kiritimati Island in the year 2010

*refer to pdf report for more information*

Time series data on the consumption of HCFCs and methal bromid in Kiribati submitted to Ozone Secretariat.

Calculated as Production (if any) + Imports - Exports

time series data on the consumption of CFC 12 & CFC 115 in Tuvalu in the past and submitted to Ozone Secretariat. This data was reported in the National Compliance Action Strategy to implement the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Tuvalu

Community consultations have taken place on four islands to collect relevant information on island biodiversity, so as to incorporate this into the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. The perceived threats are shown in this excel sheet.

classification of land use in Tuvalu

The data presents the volume and value of estimates annual fisheries catches and aqua cultural harvest in Tuvalu in 2014.