311 results

The classification groups for the deepwater biological regions were driven by 30 environmental datasets including depth,
salinity and sea surface temperature.

*refer to pdf for more information*

reef associated bioregions of Vanuatu

*refer to pdf for more information*

Historical rainfall data Palau (1901-2015). Climate Change Knowledge Portal, World Bank Group.

Map of the Nauru Island landcover, with country-level summary of the different classes.

List of conservation areas with area protected and management plan status within the RMI as of September 24, 2020.

gazetted PA's in Papua New Guinea - CEPA

Obtained from data downloaded from www.iucn.redlist.org using data filtering ( extinct, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable)

Historical rainfall data (1901-2015). Climate Change Knowledge Portal, World Bank Group. Historical data to understand the seasonal CYCLE: This gridded historical dataset is derived from observational data, and provides quality controlled temperature and rainfall values from thousands of weather stations worldwide, as well as derivative products including monthly climatologies and long term historical climatologies. The dataset is produced by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of University of East Anglia (UEA), and reformatted by International Water Management Institute (IWMI).

PNG forest cover loss at 30% tree cover sourced from www.globalforestwatch.org