5153 results

Provide images and an insight into the life of Nauruans during the early period of contact with outsiders.

This important document provides an overarching framework that brings together existing policies to guide action on climate change mitigation, adaptation and advocacy in Nauru. Implementing this policy will require collaboration across government, State Owned Enterprises, non-government organisations, civil society organisations, faith based organisations, private sector organisations, and the people of Nauru, to address our climate vulnerabilities and increase our resilience to climate change.

Nauru's climate change program has focused on the energy and water sectors, with an even split between adaptation and mitigation. Climate change has not been integrated into all policies and plans. 

Media release for the 2018 - 2019 tropical cyclone outlook

During the two hour event 2,714 pieces of rubbish were counted and analysed.

The data sheets used for the collection process were an adaptation of data sheets created for the International Coastal Cleanup Day by the Ocean Conservancy.

This dataset contains economic information for catch and catch vessels in the Asia and Pacific region, including country-level data on Solomon Islands.

The Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources published these statistics on marine exports from 2011-2015.

The transportation and disposal of hazardous and radioactive wastes can be a project critical activity and needs to be planned well. Consideration should be given to removing radioactive material from a project site as soon as it is ready to be moved instead of combining it’s transportation with other hazardous wastes.