7021 results

Media release for the 2018 - 2019 tropical cyclone outlook

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

This tropical cyclone season 2018 – 2019 highlighted that tropical Cyclone activity for Samoan region is expected to be above normal (elevated) risk with 2-3 cyclones that can pass within 400km radius of the country, with at least 1 tropical cyclone to reach Category 3 or greater.

*Excel Data extraction from the report*

During the two hour event 2,714 pieces of rubbish were counted and analysed.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

SPREP is leading the charge to make the Pacific Games in July go plastic free in an awareness and outreach initiative aptly called Greening of the Games. This dataset holds a draft report and a raw baseline data collected from a clean-up at Mulinu'u executed on the 11th May 2019 by the the Team Samoa Va'a, to contextualize solutions and interventions to address marine litter and plastic pollution.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa
 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

The Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources published these statistics on marine exports from 2011-2015.

The Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources published these statistics on marine exports from 2011-2015.

The transportation and disposal of hazardous and radioactive wastes can be a project critical activity and needs to be planned well. Consideration should be given to removing radioactive material from a project site as soon as it is ready to be moved instead of combining it’s transportation with other hazardous wastes.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

This paper describes the work undertaken by Safety and Ecology Corporation Ltd (SEC) on Kiritimati Island, formerly known as Christmas Island. The discussion gives an overview of the type of remediation performed to remove the remains of the legacies left after British nuclear testing. The environment on and around Kiritimati Island has been greatly improved by the remediation carried out. All of the wastes that were to be removed from the island were safely removed from the island for either disposal or recycling.