652 results

Ridge to Reef Data, BIORAP Survey Site_Buada, Limited meta data, compiled in 2018

Ridge to Reef data on the BIORAP Survey Site_ijuw anabar. Limited Metadata, compiled in 2018

Ridge to Reef Data on the BIORAP Survey Site on Meneng Coast, Limited Metadata that was compiled in 2018

Ridge to Reef Data on the buildings in Nauru, limited metadata compiled in 2018

Ridge to reef data on the coastline of Nauru, limited metadata that was compiled in 2018

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Regional data on marine pollution: observer pollution events. Marine pollution from ships and waste incidents per country in the Pacific region. Waste composition includes: general garbage, plastics, old fishing gears, metals, waste oils, chemicals.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Data useful for SDG Reporting using DevInfo / PNGInfo.
National Statistics Office (NSO) are the Custodians of the Dataset

GIS file (geojson) with marine pollution observations (points) in PNG.

Province, District and LLG (Local Level Government) Boundaries - shapefile format (zipped).

geojson format

geojson format

Global forest watch PNG forest cover loss 2000-2017 download from www.globalforestwatch.org

Conversion of ArcGIS shapefile to json format

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Maximum Flow, minimum flow and discharge (flow) datasets in cubic feet and the latter in acre feet. Data collected by the Department of Works (Commonwealth of Australia) from 1954 to 1964 (10 year period). Data extracted from PNG State of the Environment (SOE) Report 2020 (page 198)

 Climate Change Directorate

Protected areas of the Marshall Islands.
Data sourced from: IUCN and UNEP-WCMC (2018), The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) [On-line], [July 2018]. Cambridge, UK: UNEP-WCMC. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net.

The zip-file contains 2 shapefiles (points and polygons), displaying the protected areas in the Marshall Islands.

GIS file (geojson format) displaying protected areas in the Marshall Islands.

GIS file (geojson format) displaying protected areas. This file complements the polygon file.

Pic 1 : Enewetak before the atomic testings
Pic 2 : The crater formed by the Ivy Mike nuclear test can be seen on the northeast cape of the atoll