906 results
 Pacific Data Hub

The following excel template captures the electricity tariff rates from 2000 to 2013 for Te Aponga Uira O Tumu – Te – Varovaro (TAU) Utility.

 Pacific Data Hub

The data set provided are selected tables extracted from the Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2012 Fiscal Year, published in June 2015. The Pacific Power Association (PPA) with the technical support of the Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre (PIAC) prepared this report. 

Data set comprises of the following summary tables:

 Pacific Data Hub

The data set provided are selected tables extracted from the Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report, 2013 & 2014 Fiscal Years, published in July 2016. The Pacific Power Association (PPA) with the support of the Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre (PIAC) prepared this report. 

Data set comprises of the following summary tables:

 Pacific Data Hub

Data extracted from the ministry of Finance web page (http://www.mof.gov.ws/Services/Energy/PetroleumPrices/tabid/5914/Default...). The data set provides a summary of Samoa's monthly fuel retail prices from 2008 - 2015.

 Pacific Data Hub

The data set provided are selected tables extracted from the Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report, published in December 2011. The Pacific Power Association (PPA) with the support of the Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre (PIAC) and the Pacific Community (SPC) prepared this report. 

Tables 2.1-2.8 provides a summary of the following:

 Pacific Data Hub

Household survey was funded by the UNDP Pacific Fiji Office in supporting the Kiribati Energy planning unit (EPU) undertake a survey of household end-use electrical appliances. Data compiled in this dataset is for South Tarawa.

Data entry was undertaken by the Energy Planning Unit (EPU), Ministry of Public Works & Utilities (MPWU). Contact: Ms Ueaniti K.Betero, Assistant Energy Economist. E-mail: [email protected]  

 Pacific Data Hub

Data sourced from the SPC petroleum database via Niue Bulk fuel. Data captured is from 2012 - 2015. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Household study was funded by the UNDP Pacific Fiji Office in supporting the Kiribati Energy planning unit (EPU) undertake a survey of household end use electrical appliances. Data compiled in this dataset is for Kiritimati.

Data entry was undertaken by  the Energy Planning Unit (EPU), Ministry of Public Works & Utilities (MPWU). Contact: Ms. Ueaniti K.Betero, Assistant Energy Economist. E-mail: [email protected]  

 Pacific Data Hub

List of renewable energy projects carried out in Tuvalu. Data is sourced from the Tuvalu Energy Department, Tuvalu Master Plan for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This data was prepared by the Energy Programme, Economic Development Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. This data has been prepared to inform and support the work of officials of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) that regulate or monitor the price of fuel in their respective jurisdictions.

Dataset captures the fuel quality in terms of sulphur content , octane number and gas imported by the 18 PICTs and their total storage capacity.

 Pacific Data Hub

Presentation on the GTF in Bangkok on the SDG7 Energy Access Workshop in June 2016. Entry captures presentation and GTF SE4ALL data as of September 2015, downloaded from the World Bank Data Catalog Site: http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/sustainable-energy-for-all

Additional information on the SE4ALL data attached:

Type: Time series

Periodicity - Annual

Last updated - 9 September 2015

Contact details - [email protected]

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific National Minimum Development Indicators (NMDI) for Energy as of 2014. Statistics captured here are as of the latest census/HIES records available for the PICs. Data captured include:

  • Electrification rate
  • Access to modern lighting
  • Access to modern cooking fuel sources
  • Fuel imports as a % of GDP
  • Electricity tariffs (USD/kWh)
  • Household energy expenditure
 Pacific Data Hub

Data captures Tobolar Copra Processing Authority copra tonnage report for the period of October 2014 to September 2015. This covers the 2015 fiscal year reporting for Tobolar.

 Pacific Data Hub

Utility statistics from the Palau Public Utility Corporation (PPUC), extracted from the Palau Bureau of Budget and Planning Website:  http://palaugov.pw/executive-branch/ministries/finance/budgetandplanning/utility-statistics/

Captures consumption of electricity by type of consumers from 2007 - 2011 (kWh).

 Pacific Data Hub

Niue volume fuel imports for 2009 - 2015 for diesel, petrol, jet fuel and LPG. Dataset was sourced by SPC from the Niue Bulk Fuel for the Niue Energy Roadmap and the 2015 Niue FAESP Country Profile. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Niue raw electricity data. Excel dataset is extracted from the Niue Energy Roadmap and the Niue 2015 FAESP Country Profile. Data sourced by SPC from the Niue Power Cooperation for the publishing of the above documents. Captured here are the following:

 Pacific Data Hub

Historical fuel prices for the Pacific Region from 2013 - 2015. For most countries, only retail prices are published here except for those that have both wholesale & retail fuel prices gazetted. See below for countries captured in this dataset. Data sourced from the SPC petroleum database. For current fuel prices, please email SPC Petroleum Advisory Unit (PAU) Officer for more information ([email protected]).

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures Vanuatu Pacific Energy petroleum sales volume for 2013 - 2015. Dataset only captures the sales volume by month (M1 - M12) for different fuel type by the various depots in Vanuatu:

  • Depot Santo
  • Depot Vila
  • Depot Pekoa &
  • Depot Bauerfield
 Pacific Data Hub

Data table on existing Tonga Outer Islands Solar Electrification Installations and Project Sites as of September 2013. Data table extracted from the report "Tonga Outer Islands Solar Electrification in Tonga: A Case Study". The dataset captures:

  • Project site
  • Year of installation
  • Source of funds
  • System type (mostly solar home systems - SHS)
  • Quantity
  • Module (Wp)
  • No. of panels & 
  • Total Wp.
 Pacific Data Hub

Dataset captures the generation & distribution key performance indicators (KPI) for 21 power utilities in the Pacific. This was sourced from the PPA 2012 Report and has been verified to be accurate and matching with those in the report. Generation & distribution indicators captured are: