Adaptation activities in the Pacific. Lessons learned and best practices identified. Costs of extreme events to Small. Emerging risks and trends identified by climate change scientists
Kept in vertical file collection|Powerpoint presentation
Call Number: VF 6744 ,[EL]
Physical Description: 24 p. ; 29 cm
Consultative draft: Pacific Regionl Organisations-Pacific Plan implementation and reporting strategy
At the regional level, coordination of the implementation of the Pacific Plan is, in the first instance, the responsibility of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. This is consistent with the 2004 decision by Leaders that the primary functions of the Secretariat are to provide policy advice, coordmation and assistance in implementing their decisions. The Secretariat has therefore been restructured to more effectively undertake these responsibilities.
The Pacific Invasives Initiative (PII) is a sister partnership based at Auckland University which shares 6 partners with PILN. The goal of the PII is to contribute to conserving island biodiversity and enhancing the sustainability of island livelihoods by minimizing the spread and impacts of invasive species in the Pacific region. This is achieved by increasing support and developing capacity in the region for managing the impacts of these species.