233 results
 Department of Environment,  Tonga

This report outlined the current realities observed the catchment area and the noted area grained from the various implemented activities.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

This is an FSP for Fanga'uta.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

This is a plan for the forests in Tonga.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

Status of Fanga'uta in 2015

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

This is a report of the terminal evaluation

 Department of Environment,  Tonga
 Department of Environment,  Tonga
 Department of Environment,  Tonga

This is a summary of megapode report in Tonga

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

The Tonga State of the Environment 2018 report has been developed to answer three key questions related
to the environment of Tonga, and is based on seven thematic areas:
• What is the current condition of the Tongan environment?
• What are the risks the Tongan environment faces and what measures have been put forward to minimise them? This could provide lessons for Tonga.
• Where is the environment of Tonga headed based on the assessed thematic areas?

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

This dataset shows the extent and basic types of sea grass areas around Pohnpei. It classifies sea grass areas by one of the three main species (Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii, and Enhalus acaroides) and the level of coverage (describes as continuous, aggregated, and isolated). The data source is McKenzie, L.J. and Rasheed, M.J. (2006), Seagrasses: Pohnpei Island and And Atoll Marine Assessment, Technical report of survey conducted 26 October 3 November 2005, SeagrassWatch HQ, DPI&F, Cairns, 60pp.

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

The Dataset contains and will contain the following: • Updated text; • National R2R website or associated links; • Social media account names/handles – FB, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube etc; • Newsletters ; • Articles ; • Videos • Photographs • Resources – Concept/Technical Notes, Guides, Posters etc.

34xpdf png
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

This is for R2R consultancy announcement

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

All the document on the jcrp website.
