1738 results

cvs version of the raw data recorded regarding the numer of piglets distributed to outer atolls

 Climate Change Directorate

RMI Protected Areas data from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), downloaded August 2019. This dataset includes both tables and spatial data.

CSV file containing an overview of all terrestrial and marine protected areas in Marshall Islands. Status of August 2019 in the WDPA.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

This tropical cyclone season 2018 – 2019 highlighted that tropical Cyclone activity for Samoan region is expected to be above normal (elevated) risk with 2-3 cyclones that can pass within 400km radius of the country, with at least 1 tropical cyclone to reach Category 3 or greater.

*Excel Data extraction from the report*

Polystyrene constitutes the largest waste category which supports the governments plans to ban polystyrene food packaging, cups and plates in 2020. **data extracted from the excel sheet**

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

SPREP is leading the charge to make the Pacific Games in July go plastic free in an awareness and outreach initiative aptly called Greening of the Games. This dataset holds a draft report and a raw baseline data collected from a clean-up at Mulinu'u executed on the 11th May 2019 by the the Team Samoa Va'a, to contextualize solutions and interventions to address marine litter and plastic pollution.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

the different measurements of coastline/beachline of Tonga


Marine waste from Pacific Island Countries

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

Offshore dumping data across Pacific Island EEZ's.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

Marine pollution in the Pacific. Regional data

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

This data set in collaboration from SPREP.

excel file of the different measurements of the various beach lengths in Tonga

 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

Building survey

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zones Act (MZA) 2018 for Cooks Islands repeals the Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977, (Act No. 16 of 14 November 1977). It states that the territorial sea comprises of those areas of the sea;
(a) having as their inner limits the breadth of the territorial baselines and is measured from the low-water mark along the coast of the Cook Islands or where there is coral reef along any part of the coast of the Cook Islands, the low-water mark along the outer edge of the coral reef.