1812 results
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

raw data on ozone depleting substance consumption for Nauru. OurWorldInData.org

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Graph from OurWorldInData

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Map of the Nauru island landcover, with country-level summary of the different landcover classes and designation.

Annual consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS). ODS consumption is measured units of ODS tonnes, which is the amount of ODS consumed, multiplied by their respective ozone depleting potential value.

Map of the Nauru Island landcover, with country-level summary of the different classes.

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Sea level data by month and year 1993 to 2017

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

the procfish sample sites from SPC work

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

IUCN Taxanomy list

1) At administrative level 1 these tables do not refer to the National Capital District or to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. The National Capital District is combined with the Central Province and Bougainville is combined with the North Solomons province.

Summary Report

Summary Data

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

1) At administrative level 1 these tables do not refer to the National Capital District or to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. The National Capital District is combined with the Central Province and Bougainville is combined with the North Solomons province.