1764 results

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Fiji

This is a shapefile layer that shows the 12 nautical miles zone for the Gilbert Group - KI. It can be opened in any GIS software.

vegetation types within the mainland coastal region provinces

vegetation types for the provinces in the PNG highlands region

Data valid as of 09/04/2019

This is a shapefile layer that shows the 12 nautical miles zone for Cook Islands. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that shows the 200 nautical miles zone for Cook Islands. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that shows the 24 nautical miles zone for Cook Islands. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that shows the 12 nautical miles zone for FSM. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that outlines the treaty between Cook Islands and United States of America (American Samoa). It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that outlines the treaty between Cook Islands and Kiribati (Line Group). It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that outlines the treaty between Cook Islands and Niue. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that outlines the treaty between Cook Islands and France (French Polynesia). It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that outlines the treaty between Cook Islands and New Zealand (Tokelau). It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that outlines the treaty between Fiji and France (Wallis and Futuna). It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that outlines the treaty between Fiji and Tuvalu. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that outlines the treaty between Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that outlines the treaty between Marshall Islands and Kiribati (Gilbert Group). It can be opened in any GIS software.