497 results

CSV table of protected areas for Tuvalu with the WDPA.

Calculated as Production (if any) + Imports - Exports

time series data on the consumption of CFC 12 & CFC 115 in Tuvalu in the past and submitted to Ozone Secretariat. This data was reported in the National Compliance Action Strategy to implement the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Tuvalu

Community consultations have taken place on four islands to collect relevant information on island biodiversity, so as to incorporate this into the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. The perceived threats are shown in this excel sheet.

classification of land use in Tuvalu

CVS format of the excel sheet.

The data presents the volume and value of estimates annual fisheries catches and aqua cultural harvest in Tuvalu in 2014.

Data extracted from the Fisheries in PIC's economies' report, 2016.

The apparent changes in production for the three years sometimes represents real change in production, but it can also reflect a change in the methodology for how the production is measured (hopefully an improvement). In table above, the production levels for coastal commercial, coastal subsistence, and freshwater change significantly between the years, but some of that change is due to the way in which the production was estimated. For example, for the 2014 estimate of coastal fisheries production, the results of
the 2010 HIES were available.

Interviews conducted on commercial premises where waste was also collected.
• Date: date of the interview
• Premises_ID: unique premises identifier
• Premises_Type: type of premises
• additional_comments_photos/extra_comments: miscellaneous comments
• country: country of audits
• Who_collects_the_rubbish
• Collection_period: how often waste is collected
• Collection_rating: satisfaction with collection service, 1-5 scale
• Waste_disposal_general: how general waste is disposed of

Household interviews conducted at houses where waste was collected.

Big file containing high level audit data, detailed sort of drink containers and interview data.

Long form dataset containing data from APWC high level waste sorts and detailed container sort. See the "Pivot Table" sheet for a summary of the data contained here.
Note that average values will not work for the pivot table, as each category has a number of subcategories which messes up the calculation of averages.