68 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This list of indicators was developed through the Inform project at SPREP for use by Pacific Islands countries (PICs) to meet their national and international reporting obligations. The indicators are typically adopted by PICs for their State of Environment reports and are intended to be re-used for a range of MEA and SDG reporting targets. The indicators have been designed to be measurable and repeatable so that countries can track key aspect of environmental health over time.

 SPREP Island and Ocean Ecosystems (IOE)

Maps and associated data from the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS). A summary of the database can be found below.

The Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS) provides invaluable information for Pacific island countries and territories to manage their turtle resources. TREDS can be used to collate data from strandings, tagging, nesting, emergence and beach surveys as well as other biological data on turtles.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This is a test for upload invasive species document

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

biodiversity data for invertebrates, vertebrates, endemic and invasive species

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

There are 14 terrestrial PAs, which total at least 1407.2 hectares (five PAs are uncalculated), or about six per cent of the Cook Islands’ total 240 km2 land mass. Terrestrial PA are concentrated in a few locations. Three of the 15 islands in Cook Islands are wildlife reserves (Suwarrow, Takutea and Manuae), almost 40% of the terrestrial PAs are represented by four motu on Pukapuka, and three of Rarotonga’s four PAs make up 36% of total terrestrial PAs.

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

This dataset provides the timeline of major natural disasters that have affected islands in the FSM, compiled by Whitney Hoot and Danko Taborosi of Island Research & Education Initiative (iREi), from the year 1775 to 2012.

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

FSM Protected Areas (PA) data from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), downloaded August 2019. This dataset includes both tables and spatial data.

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

The FSM SoE Report reveals the current state of knowledge about the environment in FSM along the following thematic areas: atmosphere and climate, water, land, marine, biodiversity, built environment, and culture and heritage.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Planning resource for integrated action planning for the management of the Cook Islands marine environment

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

The data consists of protected area in Kiribati

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Dataset contains training material on using open source Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to improve protected area planning and management from a workshop that was conducted on October 19-23, 2020. Specifically, the dataset contains lectures on GIS fundamentals, QGIS 3.x, and global positioning system (GPS), as well as country-specific datasets and a workbook containing exercises for viewing data, editing/creating datasets, and creating map products in QGIS.

 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

Perceived threats can be summarised as arising from deleterious human actions and negative attitudes to the environment, leading to inappropriate behaviour, such as littering, over-fishing and hunting, using fishing nets and modern fishing method, the use of guns and the introduction of pests; the use of inappropriate technologies, such as solid and liquid waste water disposal systems; uncontrolled use of resources and control of livestock; increasing consumption patterns, arising from increases in human populations, demands and changing lifestyles; institutional weaknesses; ignorance and l

 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

Atlas of Living Australia data on invasive alien species in Tuvalu

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

List of international environmental related agreements and conventions to which Vanuatu is obligated to.

*adopted from the Vanuatu National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2018 - 2030, pg 24*

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Dataset contains training material on using open source Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to improve protected area planning and management from workshops that were conducted on February 19-21 and October 6-7, 2020. Specifically, the dataset contains lectures on GIS fundamentals, QGIS 3.x, and global positioning system (GPS), as well as country-specific datasets and a workbook containing exercises for viewing data, editing/creating datasets, and creating map products in QGIS.

 BirdLife International, Pacific

Information on the location of known seabird breeding colonies throughout the Pacific including all PICTS, also Hawaii, Australian offshore islands and NZ Kermadecs

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

State of Environment (SoE) reports provide in-country partners with a process to gather data on current environmental indicators, document their status, and formulate a plan for keeping these indicators on track or developing policies and programs as needed. This SoE Toolkit dataset contains resources that serve as guides to help create up-to-date State of Environment reports.