112 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Regional Lawyers Consultation on Gender & the Law, November 2014

 Pacific Data Hub

Documents here relate to inclusive education, including various types such as policy documents, teacher resources, sector plans and research studies. Documents were initially collated and uploaded in March 2021. Data Hub users are encouraged to suggest other documents for uploading so the collection grows and continues its usefulness into the future.

 Pacific Data Hub

Documents here relate to inclusive education, including various types such as policy documents, teacher resources, sector plans and research studies. Documents were initially collated and uploaded in March 2021. Data Hub users are encouraged to suggest other documents for uploading so the collection grows and continues its usefulness into the future.

 Pacific Data Hub

Government of the Solomon Islands 

National Development Strategy2011 to 2020

Vision:A United and Vibrant Solomon Islands

 Draft FinalJuly 2011

Ministry of Development Planning and Aid CoordinationHoniara, Solomon Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Customs tariff, abbreviations & symbols. General rules for the interpretation of the harmonized system.

Herewith Updated Tariff with;

1. 2013 Budget Changes

2. 2017and 2018 Budgest Changes 

 Pacific Data Hub

The Government of Tonga, through the Ministry of Environment Energy Climate Change, Disaster Management, Meteorology, Information and Communications (MEECCDMMIC) requested (Attachment A) in October 2014 that SPC Energy and Economic Division undertake a project to assist Tonga on a number of issues related to its petroleum fuel and LPG supply and pricing arrangements.  It was mutually agreed with the Director of Energy that this work would commence in April 2015.

 Pacific Data Hub

Multiple factors can create opportunities or pitfalls on the journey towards women’s economic empowerment. This was highlighted through a panel and an interactive ‘Snakes and Ladders’ activity at ‘From participation to power: mapping economic pathways to women’s empowerment’, a side event held in the margins of the 14th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women convened by the Pacific Community (SPC) in April 2021. The side event was convened by the Pacific Women Support Unit in partnership with CARE Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu Skills Partnership and attended by more than 650 participants.

 Pacific Data Hub

This survey acted as the main pilot for the WFS programme. A re-interview survey on a subsample of 371 women was conducted and a detailed analysis of response consistency performed. A validation of contraceptive use data against health centre records was carried out; the results are contained in the country report.

 Pacific Data Hub

* Collection start: 2017
* Collection end: 2017

 Pacific Data Hub

The overall goal of the Hybrid Survey (HS) project is to provide Vanuatu statistical systems with an affordable means and methodology to regularly collect statistics across key social and economic sectors, to derive indicators that would provide Vanuatu Government and their development partners with a core set of statistics to facilitate evidence-based policy development and planning, to monitor development progress and measure policy performance, and ultimately to describe development impact.

 Pacific Data Hub

The survey provides statistically sound and internationally comparable data essential for developing evidence-based policies and programmes, and for monitoring progress toward national goals and global commitments.
The Kiribati Social Development Indicator Survey (SDIS) results are critically important for the purposes of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) monitoring, as the survey produces information on 32 global SDG indicators adopted by the National Development Indicators framework, either in their entirety or partially.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Tonga Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was conducted in 2019 by the Tonga Statistics Department in collaboration with Ministry of Health with technical support of Ministry of Internal Affairs – Women’s Affairs and Gender Equality Division (WAGED) and other key Government Ministries UNICEF, UNFPA, the Pacific Community (SPC) and other partners. The survey provides statistically sound and internationally comparable data essential for developing evidence-based policies and programs, and for monitoring progress toward national goals and global commitments.

4xzip 4xdoc
 Pacific Data Hub

Work is part of the SOPAC Regional assitance to the countries on wind advisory.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zones Act (MZA) 2018 for Cooks Islands repeals the Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977, (Act No. 16 of 14 November 1977). It states that the territorial sea comprises of those areas of the sea;
(a) having as their inner limits the breadth of the territorial baselines and is measured from the low-water mark along the coast of the Cook Islands or where there is coral reef along any part of the coast of the Cook Islands, the low-water mark along the outer edge of the coral reef.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Zones Declaration Act 2016 (Nitijela Bill No. 13) repeals the Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 1984 and underlines the delineation and demarcation of the Republic of Marshall Islands territorial sea. It further states that the territorial sea comprises of the sea having:
(a)as their inner limits, the baseline and
(b)as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from that baseline, every point of which is distant 12 nautical mils from the nearest point of that baseline.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zones Act (MZA) 2018 for Cooks Islands repeals the Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977, (Act No. 16 of 14 November 1977). It states that the exclusive economic zone comprises of those areas of the sea, seabed, and subsoil that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea having, as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from the territorial sea baseline, every point of which is distant 200 nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zones Act 2013 states that the exclusive economic zone of Niue comprises those areas of the sea,
seabed and subsoil that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea having as their outer limits a line measured seaward from the baseline, every point of which line is not more than 200 nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline.

 Pacific Data Hub

Data obtained from the Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project, Institute for Marine Remote Sensing, University of South Florida (IMaRS/USF) and Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD/UR 128, Centre de Nouméa).


 Pacific Data Hub

Figures and Supporting information included in the article Coastal proximity of populations in 22 Pacific Island Countries and Territories. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.02232… https://sdd.spc.int/mapping-coastal

 Pacific Data Hub

Part 4 of the Tuvalu Maritime Zones Act 2012 states that the exclusive economic zone of Tuvalu comprises those areas of the sea, seabed and subsoil that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, having as their outer limits a line measured seaward from the baseline; which is measured from the low-water line of the seaward side of the reef fringing the coast of any part of Tuvalu or bounding any lagoon waters adjacent to any part of that coast, or where a reef is not present, the low-water line of the coast itself every point of which is not more than 200 nautical miles from the neares