77 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Final status report on the Gender Equity in Climate Change Adaptation and Low Carbon Development.- International Climate Initiative. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Herbert Wade and Peter Johnston for UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok. The purpose of this assignment was to undertake a rapid needs assessment and gap analysis of the fifteen Pacific Island Countries that potentially can participate in the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Energy Program for Poverty Reduction (REP-PoR).  Ideally, such a study would involve travel to each country to allow extensive local input and as much discussion in-country as possible.

This REP PoR Pacific Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis report is presented in three parts:

 Pacific Data Hub

The attached paper, by Scott Hook, was written for Ausaid as a background research paper for the 2009 Pacific Economic Survey.  The paper seeks to explore renewable energy challenges in the Pacific by reviewing several case studies.  Energy plays a vital role in contributing to development in the Pacific region.  It is a fundamental input to most economic and social activities and invaluable in key sectors such as education, health and communications.  However, cost effective energy is a significant logistical challenges for connecting communities important for states that are distant from

 Pacific Data Hub

Castalia strategic advisors prepared this report to the Asian Development Bank. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Castalia Advisory to the Asian Development Bank. The provision of water and energy infrastructure and services in the Pacific is poor when compared with other small island states. Many people, especially the rural poor, lack access to adequate water and energy services, and many water and energy utilities provide ineffective and inefficient service.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Government of Samoa through the Electric Power Corporation (EPC) and in cooperation with UNDP Samoa and the Danish NGO will replace the current diesel generator with photovoltaic based power systems on Apolima Island including PB based streetlights. As part of the Access to Sustainable Power Services - Apolima Island project UNDP Samoa has funded this consultancy for system design and preparations for specifications for Requests For Quotations for the supply of major components. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Gerhard Zieroth, Renewable Energy Consultant, New Caledonia prepared this report for UNDP/UNESCO Samoa.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Jan Cloin of SPC - GSD (formerly SOPAC) and was funded by United Nations Development Programme and the report was prepared for the Samoan Electric Power Corporation. A survey with a structured questionnaire was undertaken in September 2007 focusing on coconut farming families in Savai’i. A pre-selected sample of 150 households was interviewed but due to quality and selection problems only 69 household interview results were analysed. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Herbert Wade and Kenneth Bulehite. This report is provided in support of the Asia-Pacific Regional Energy Programme for Poverty Reduction (REP-PoR). Report prepared for Winrock as part of the REP-PoR policy study on ‘Policy Study on Regional Mapping of Options to Promote Private Investments in Alternative Energy Sources for the Poor’.

 Pacific Data Hub

Electrification feasibility study for the Torba Province. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by ESCAP consisting of Rikke Munk Hansen and Herbert Wade. The mission was to visit Tarawa, Kiribati to assist in developing detailed terms of reference for a prefeasibility study on solar/diesel hybrid power development for Islands Council Office areas on rural islands.  

 Pacific Data Hub

Tuvalu National Electrification Master Plan. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This paper provides a brief summary of the Tuvalu experience with the Lomé II Regional PV Follow-Up Programme. The paper also covers the work carried out through the Lomé III PV Programme which was funded under Tuvalu’s National Indicative Programme (NIP) . The Lomé II and III programmes were a joint undertaking and were implemented simultaneously. Wherever the Lomé II programme is referenced, it also refers to the Lomé III programme.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Peter Johnston for the Division of Energy. .  This overview report summarises energy policy issues in the Cook Islands and provides general recommendations to improve both the policies and possible means to more effectively implement. . This report only touches briefly on petroleum.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Rikke Munk Hansen for the department of energy. This report is the result of an advisory mission to the Department of Energy (DoE). There is a general recognition among staff of the Department of Energy (DoE) of the importance of energy statistics for development, implementation and monitoring of energy policies. The establishment of an energy demand database and the provision on energy demand and supply data to the public are part of the Department’s corporate plan.

 Pacific Data Hub

An Expert Meeting to discuss the Pacific Regional Data Repository was held on 5-6 December 2013 at the ESCAP Pacific Office.  The meeting followed the signing of a ‘Declaration on the Pacific Regional Data Repository on Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL)’ in New York on 27 September 2013, and was held to discuss energy data needs and priorities as input into the drafting of a technical proposal for consideration by Pacific island governments.

 Pacific Data Hub

Questionnaire prepared by the University of the South Pacific (USP) for the pilot training conducted on WECS.

 Pacific Data Hub

Government of the Solomon Islands 

National Development Strategy2011 to 2020

Vision:A United and Vibrant Solomon Islands

 Draft FinalJuly 2011

Ministry of Development Planning and Aid CoordinationHoniara, Solomon Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

The Government of Tonga, through the Ministry of Environment Energy Climate Change, Disaster Management, Meteorology, Information and Communications (MEECCDMMIC) requested (Attachment A) in October 2014 that SPC Energy and Economic Division undertake a project to assist Tonga on a number of issues related to its petroleum fuel and LPG supply and pricing arrangements.  It was mutually agreed with the Director of Energy that this work would commence in April 2015.

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM