23 results
 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)

A study on the impacts of climate change on agriculture and food security of the Republic of the Marshall Islands

 Climate Change Directorate

The impacts of climate change and human activity are the main contributing factors to the declining production of food and food security. The Marshallese people have long been cultivating the land for food, medicinal and other traditional purposes. The Ministry of Resources and Development (R&D) has a
programme to restock livestock and food crops for national food security. Over 2,800 types of plants were distributed on most of the outer islands, as well as Majuro.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce- Agriculture Division

The sector plan provides policy guidelines and direction for the Agriculture Sector to implement programs that will focus on the needs related to increasing agriculture productivity. The Sector Plan also provides a clear direction to the sector to align its objectives in a well-coordinated and integrated approach. The key guiding principles were that the strategy will contribute to the achievement of food security, economic sustainability, social sustainability, and environmental sustainability while valuing public and private partnerships in the implementation of the plan.