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It is desirable that all citizens of Papua New Guinea (PNG), wherever they live, have access to potable water and an appropriate standard of sewerage collection and treatment. Unfortunately, PNG‘s rugged geography makes that difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. Most of PNG‘s people live in rural areas (with over 85% of the population depending on semi-subsistence agriculture) and lack access to safe drinking water or sanitation. Apart from the cities of Port Moresby and Lae, urban areas are mostly small towns with fewer than 1,000 households.

CEPA Environment Permit Application Forms Schedule 1.

Report "Marine Atlas. Maximizing Benefits for Solomon Islands."

Tonga State of Environment Report 2018 - high resolution version best for print.

The map shows landcover and vegetation impact of the Hunga Tonga Hunga Haápai volcanic eruption on the Tonga Island group.

State of Palau’s Birds. Koror: Belau National Museum 2014

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The Economics of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Coral Triangle (EFACT) is the first report of its kind that consolidates primary and secondary information on fisheries and aquaculture using a regional lens and analytical tools from economics. The EFACT is an output of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) technical assistance—Regional Cooperation on Knowledge Management, Policy, and Institutional Support to the Coral
Triangle Initiative (CTI).