241 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… studies, including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover, as well as observation of inland waterways … • forest and vegetation monitoring • land carbon, natural resource monitoring • global crop monitoring … … Secretariat …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… studies, including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover, as well as observation of inland waterways … • forest and vegetation monitoring • land carbon, natural resource monitoring • global crop monitoring … … Secretariat …
 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD
… studies, including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover, as well as observation of inland waterways … • forest and vegetation monitoring • land carbon, natural resource monitoring • global crop monitoring … … Environment …
 The Nature Conservancy
… studies, including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover, as well as observation of inland waterways … • forest and vegetation monitoring • land carbon, natural resource monitoring • global crop monitoring Please note that …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… … training … workshop … 2019 … inform … sprep … Atmosphere and Climate … Biodiversity …
 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
… analytical framework for an OECD project on Development and Climate Change. A three-tier framework is also described … also examine mitigation responses that relate to natural resource management. Available online Call Number: [EL] Physical …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Development partners are working with the GoT to develop and implement the Tonga Energy Road Map.  The relevant target … feasible by 2014/15, through a combination of demand side management (DSM), efficiency improvements (loss reduction) at … biomass options and wind (although confirmation of the resource potential is required).   … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation
… Spatial dataset with mangroves in Vanuatu. Source: Vanuatu Resource Information System (VANRIS). … … Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation … mangrove … Biodiversity … Coastal and Marine …
 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation
… with conservation areas in Vanuatu. Source: Vanuatu Resource Information System (VANRIS). … … Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation … pa … protected … protected areas … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… - HOUSEHOLD: dwelling characteristics, source of water, energy, cooking fuel, commodities owned, expenditure, … income … individual … poverty … solomon-islands … Culture and Heritage …
12xxlsx 3xzip 13xpdf 2xxls
 Pacific Data Hub
… -HOUSEHOLD: Dwellin characteristics, Lighting, Water access, Sanitation, Dwelling tenure, Agricutlural … health … household … income … nauru … sanitation … Culture and Heritage …
4xxls 9xdoc 12xpdf
 Pacific Data Hub
… report on the Gender Equity in Climate Change Adaptation and Low Carbon Development.- International Climate … out the project objectives. Most of these countries have   resource person but do not have the funding to carry out … to see and apply these skills in other sectors such as water, energy, food security,  agriculture & forestry, …
… in Port Moresby in June 2002. Outlines rationale, goals and objectives, cooperation strategies to assist the UNDAF, implementation, monitoring,review and Programme Resources Framework to assist PNG … doc … 113241 …
… Buffer distances  of  100, 150 and 250km created  from the volcanic eruption boundary  to …
 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
… This includes the waters of the Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The Solomon Islands Rainforest … is under threat from invasive species, loss of major land and marine habitats, over exploitation of natural resources and destructive harvesting techniques, climate change from …
… This resource contains satellite imagery for Yap. The imagery was collected on April 12, 2019. More specially, this resource contains a raster file of RGB imagery at 10-meter … Level-2A products include atmospheric correction and represent bottom of atmosphere reflectance values in the …
… This resource contains satellite imagery for Nauru. The imagery was collected on May 9, 2020. More specially, this resource contains a raster file of RGB imagery at 10-meter … Level-2A products include atmospheric correction and represent bottom of atmosphere reflectance values in the …
 Pacific Data Hub
… economic zone, including fishing, mining, oil exploration, and any pollution of those resources. However, it cannot … the surface of the sea that is in compliance with the laws and regulations adopted by the coastal State in accordance … eez … nr … nauru … nauru exclusive economic zone … Coastal and Marine … Coastal and Marine … Land … Biodiversity …
… This resource contains satellite imagery for Kosrae. The imagery … was collected on November 12, 2016. More specially, this resource contains a raster file of RGB imagery at 10-meter … Level-2A products include atmospheric correction and represent bottom of atmosphere reflectance values in the …
… This resource contains satellite imagery for Bikini Island. The … was collected on January 28, 2020. More specially, this resource contains a raster file of RGB imagery at 10-meter … Level-2A products include atmospheric correction and represent bottom of atmosphere reflectance values in the …