191 results

Memorandum of Understanding between SPREP and a Country, to facilitate the access to, and security of, all data entered into the national database.

End of SPREP internship presentation, July 2015. Sections: climate finance challenges, overview of climate finance in the Pacific, and next steps.

SPREPs recommended template for individual indicators in national SoE reports. The full SoE template will be updated in the coming months.

Other material

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 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of the Vanuatu 2013 DHS include:

......basic demographic characteristics of individuals in a particular household dwelling, including age, sex, residence, marital status, educational attainment, eligibility and disability
......basic household caharacteristics of the private dwellings, including sanitation, water, electricity, households materials and household wealth ownership


16xpdf 32xdocx 2xxlsx 16xdoc
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Concise environmental legislative reviews of Pacific Island countries plus Tokelau. **Please submit new information or corrections as the reviews will be updated annually.**

This powerpoint presentation has instructions on Practical 1 &2 - Data Upload & Adding News and Events

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This is a test for upload invasive species document

Cook Island’s National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2020 DRAFT 2016

Kakerori Fact Sheet 2016. The Rarotonga Flycatcher or Kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) is a small (19-23g) forest-dwelling bird endemic to Rarotonga in the Cook Islands, where it is found mainly in the moister south-eastern section of that island, particularly in what is now the 155haTakitumu Conservation Area (TCA). Recently, it has been translocated also to the Ship Rat-free island of Atiu close by, to form an insurance population