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 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This report, supported by UNDP and the Adaptation Fund, looks at the resilience of the Cook Islands and its communities to climate change. It was published in August 2013.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

PDF Copy of the Wetlands of the Pacific Island Region by Joanna C. Ellison (2009)

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

pdf of the Cook Islands 4th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity 2011

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

pdf of the Cook Islands Wetlands Situations

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Data on reef fish, sea urchin, sea urchin density and biomass

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Marine Managed Areas Ra'ui on Rarotonga and Pa Enua

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Reports lagoon water quality includes on physio-chemical data

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Data on renewable energy sources in Cook Islands.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Contains census data reporting on the status of agriculture and fisheries in Cook Islands

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

The CKI OECM Workshop Report consolidates the discussions, outcomes, recommendations and next steps following the Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures Workshop, hosted by the National Environment Service, in partnership with Secretariat of Pacific Regional Environment Program and the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, on the 24th - 25th January 2023 in Rarotonga, Cook Islands.  

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Official project document for the Cook Islands national project under GEF-7 programming, project title: Enhancing Biodiversity considerations and effective protected area management to safeguard the Cook Islands integrated ecosystems and species. Annexes not included.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

All materials related to the GEF 8 National Dialogue, hosted by the National Environment Service with support from the GEF Secretariat at Edgewater Resort on the 19th & 20th April 2023, including the presentation slides, report and activity sheets will be hosted here.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

The purpose of this report is to contextualise the unique characteristics of the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) and identify some roadblocks to achieving universal access to clean water and sanitation. The PIC context is established by examining the PICs’ unique economic, socioeconomic, geomorphology, climate, and cultural characteristics.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This is Assessment of Legislative Frameworks Governing Waste Management in the COOK ISLANDS

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

The National Environment Service issues permits for the export of CITES species out of the Cook Islands. CITES stands for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. 

This report provides information on permits issued by the NES in 2022.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

The Palmerston rat eradication program ran from August-September 2023. NZ Department of Conservation's Emmanuel Oyston, field team leader of the eradication, sent weekly updates on their progress - their updates are available here. 

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This dataset has information on coral reef cover and fish in Cook Islands from 1994 to 2013.

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 Cook Islands National Environment Service

A team from Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research travelled to Rarotonga during July/August 2023 to carry out monitoring of biocontrols released in previous years. The team used drones to conduct monitoring surveillance for the invasive African Tulip tree species, using LiDAR and other imagery techniques.

This newsletter also provides an update on the control of the biocontrols.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

From February - April 2024, the National Environment Service and Te Ipukarea Society conducted consultations with various stakeholders for the RESPONSE project. Documents from these consultations have been filed here. 

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

The National Environment Service worked closely with family representatives of the Takitumu Conservation Area, to submit an assessment application that will gave the TCA official international recognition as an Other Effective area-based Conservation Measure (OECM). 

All documents relevant to the submission process will be stored here, including resources on the TCA, which are referred to in the assessment form.

The TCA was launched as the Cook Islands' first OECM on International Biodiversity Day 2024 (22 May 2024)

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