151 results

This is a link to the website to download the UNEP-WCMC global patterns of above-ground biomass of mangrove forests.

This is a link to the website to download the distribution of seagrass biome dataset.

This is a MaxEnt model map of the global distribution of the seagrass biome. Species occurrence records were extracted from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) Ocean Data Viewer and Ocean biogeographic information system (OBIS). This map shows the suitable habitats for the seagrass distribution at global scale.

Map of the protected areas for the Pacific Islands Region with regional-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Pacific Network for Environmental Assessment

The WDPA User Manual provides information and guidance about the data held within the WDPA, including its history, how it is collected, managed and distributed, and how it should be interpreted and used for analyses and research. The Manual has been prepared for WDPA data providers and users. It is structured in 4 sections and includes 6 appendices.

The Protected Areas Working Group (PAWG) of the Pacific Islands Round Table for Nature Conservation recommended a forum to better connect a diverse range of people and their work relating to protected and conserved areas. To increase efficacy with respect to gaining momentum with communications and conservation work, the Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal (PIPAP) was launched.

Locations of AF sites on Kapingamarangi island

Locations of AF sites on Nukuoro island

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

Maps of AF project sites on Nukuoro and Kapingamarangi islands


Map of the protected areas for Cook Islands with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

Map of the protected areas for Kosrae in the Federated States of Micronesia with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for Yap in the Federated States of Micronesia with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for Marshall Islands with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for the Ralik Chain, Marshall Islands with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for the Ratak Chain, Marshall Islands with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for Papua New Guinea with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for the northeast provinces of Papua New Guinea with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.

Map of the protected areas for the northwest provinces of Papua New Guinea with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.