240 results

Zettler, Erik R.; Sea Education Association (2011). Oceanographic profile temperature and salinity measurements collected using CTD in the North Atlantic and North Pacific from 1988 to 2005 (NCEI Accession 0002221)

Flow-through and profile data from the _Robert C. Seamans_

This is a kml file that shows the global 24 nautical mile zone. It can open in QGIS and Google Earth.

This kml file shows the global 12 nautical miles zone. It can be opened in QGIS and Google Earth.

This is a kml file that shows the Global EEZ. It can be opened in QGIS and Google Earth.

A direct internet link to access the PIPAP portal resources.

Analysis and Chart visualization of waste items collected by percentage (%).

Chart visualization of the data collected related to waste category.

Watch this YouTube video to learn more about the InforMEA platform.

The BMIS website

This kml contains the polygons that shows the global 200 nautical miles...

This kml contains the lines that shows the global 200 nautical miles zone for the Pacific region only.

This is a link to the website to download the UNEP-WCMC distribution of cold-water corals dataset.

This dataset shows the global distribution of cold-water corals. Occurrence records are given for 86 Families under the subclass Octocorallia (octocorals; also known as Alcyonaria) and four Orders (in Class Anthozoa): Scleractinia (reef-forming corals), Antipatharia (black corals), Zoanthidae (encrusting or button polyps), and Pennatulacea (sea pens). Occurrence records are also available for the order sub-Order Filifera (lace corals) in Class Hydrozoa.

This is a link to the website to download the UNEP-WCMC distribution of corals dataset.

This is a link to the website to download the UNEP-WCMC global patterns of above-ground biomass of mangrove forests.