15 results
 Pacific Data Hub

-MENAGE: Caracteristiques du menage; Biens du menage; Entretien; Voyages; Service; Ceremonies; Flux financiers; Betail; Agriculture.
-INDIVIDU: Caracteristiques des individus; Education; Sante; Handicap; Communication; Alcool et tabac; Activities economiques; Peche et chasse; Artisanat.

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 Pacific Data Hub

- composition of the household and demographic profile of each members
- dwelling information
- dwelling expenditure
- transport expenditure
- education expenditure
- health expenditure
- land and property expenditure
- household furnishing
- home appliances
- cultural and social payments
- holydays/travel costs
- Loans and saving
- clothing
- other major expenditure items
- income

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Housing characteristics, tenure expenditure, utilities and communication, land and home, goods and assets, vehicles and accessories, private travel details, services expenditure, special occasions, financial support, insurance and taxes, personal insurance, agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing activities, handicraft, property income, transfer income and other casual receipts, remittances.

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 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of Census includes:

- HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics such as; Type of Living quarters, House ownership, construction, floor & roof materials, source of drinking water, toilet type, source of cooking energy, method of cooking, source of lighting, type of crops grown, size of garden, types of livestocks, different appliances and electronics own, internet access and cash received.

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 Pacific Data Hub

- HOUSEHOLD: dwelling characteristics, source of water, energy, cooking fuel, commodities owned, expenditure, income;
- INDIVIDUAL: demographic characteristics, economic activity, education, health, expenditure, income.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Interview information; Basic information; Awareness of COVID-19; Employment and income loss; Access food and food security; Coping strategies; Public trust and security; Assets and well-being; Interview results.
-INDIVIDUAL: Interview information; Basic information; Employment and income loss.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Interview information; Basic information; Knowledge; Employment and income loss; Access food and food security; Coping strategies; Access health; Public trust and security; Assets and well-being; Interview results.
-INDIVIDUAL: Interview information; Basic information; Employment and income loss.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Interview information; Basic information; Knowledge; Employment and income loss; Access food and food security; Coping strategies; Access health; Public trust and security; Assets and well-being; Interview results.
-INDIVIDUAL: Interview information; Basic information; Employment and income loss.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-PERSONS: income and employment of individuals, including wage and salaries, self-employment, business activities, education, health.
-HOUSEHOLDS: dwelling characteristics, housing expenditure, household operations, clothing and footwear, education and health expenditure, and food expenditure.
-EXPENDITURE ITEMS: total annual expenditure on commodity and utility items, type of expenditure and type of item.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-INDIVIDUALS: Demographic characteristics; Education; Health; Communication; Alcohol and narcotics; Other individual expenditure; Economic activities; Income; Handicraft and processed food.
-HOUSEHOLDS: Dwelling characteristics, Housing expenditure, Household operations, Food expenditure; Sanitation; Water access; Energy; Agriculture; Fisheries; Hunting; Handicraft; Transport; Travel; Financial support; Ceremonies; Food insecurity; Copra production; Legal services.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Interview information; Basic information; Awareness of COVID-19; Employment and income loss; Access food and food security; Coping strategies; Public trust and security; Assets and well-being; Interview results.
-INDIVIDUAL: Interview information; Basic information; Employment and income loss.

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Interview information; Basic information; Knowledge; Employment and income loss; Access food and food security; Coping strategies; Access health; Public trust and security; Assets and well-being; Interview results.
-INDIVIDUAL: Interview information; Basic information; Employment and income loss.

 Pacific Data Hub

-INDIVIDUALS: Demographic characteristics; Education; Health; Communication; Alcohol and narcotics; Other individual expenditure; Economic activities; Income; Handicraft and processed food.
-HOUSEHOLDS: Dwelling characteristics, Housing expenditure, Household operations, Food expenditure; Sanitation; Water access; Energy; Agriculture; Fisheries; Hunting; Handicraft; Transport; Travel; Financial support; Ceremonies; Food insecurity; Copra production; Legal services.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-MENAGE: Caracteristiques du menage; Biens du menage; Entretien; Voyages; Service; Ceremonies; Flux financiers; Betail; Agriculture.
-INDIVIDU: Caracteristiques des individus; Education; Sante; Handicap; Communication; Alcool et tabac; Activities economiques; Peche et chasse; Artisanat.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) is a field operation which consists of collecting information in the households based on face to face interview.

The questions asked to the households are related to living standard conditions, expenditures, purchases, incomes.... It is the only survey conducted at a national level which deals with households habits in terms of expenditure and income. As the private and public sector, households represent an economic and social actor of the country which needed to be known.
