52 results
 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

World Health Organization, 2015

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Palau's National Health including anuual reports, reviews and other documents

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

This Palau Environmental Health Action Plan 2004-2007 (NEHAP) directs the provision of environmental health services in Palau through strategic approaches by various partnerships in the community in the following key areas:
▶Environmental Health Administration
▶Community Environmental Health Development
▶Consumer Safety
▶Vector Control & Health Quarantine
▶Emerging Issues
▶Health Education & Promotion
▶Environmental Health Information System
▶Human Resource Development

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

The Goals for the 2005 National Youth Policy are to 1) Empower youth to become productive and contributing members of the community and 2) to Create a System of Access for public services and national resources. The Policy was endorsed by Executive Order 223 (addendum).

 Asian Development Bank

The project will strengthen the rural health system in selected areas of Papua New Guinea (PNG) by increasing the coverage and quality of primary health care (PHC) in partnership with both state and nonstate service providers through supporting the Government of PNG in implementing the National Health Plan (NHP) as it relates to rural health.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Research on the Chronic Poverty in Papua New Guinea

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Highlights the urgent, unmet medical and emotional needs of survivors of family and sexual violence in Papua New Guinea and recommends concrete action in order to meet these needs.

 University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG)

The war torn or famine stricken under developed countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia and Rwanda clearly
have very basic health care needs. Primary and preventive strategies should be the priority.

 New Guinea Binatang Research Center-Papua New Guinea

Biodiversity and Health

 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring

Health Policy

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Census information. 24 pages.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) is a field operation which consists of collecting information in the households based on face to face interview.

The questions asked to the households are related to living standard conditions, expenditures, purchases, incomes.... It is the only survey conducted at a national level which deals with households habits in terms of expenditure and income. As the private and public sector, households represent an economic and social actor of the country which needed to be known.
