6860 results
 Pacific Data Hub

The World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey covered the following topics:
A. General Issues Facing Papua New Guinea
B. Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group (WBG)
C. World Bank Effectiveness and Results
D.The World Bank Group's Knowledge Work and Activities
E. Working with the World Bank Group
F. The Future Role of the World Bank Group in Papua New Guinea
G. Communication and Information Sharing
H. Background Information

 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of the study includes:
- General Issues Facing Papua New Guinea
- Overall Attitudes toward the World Bank Group
- World Bank Group’s Effectiveness and Results
- The World Bank Group’s Knowledge Work and Activities
- Working with the World Bank Group
- The Future Role of the World Bank Group in Papua New Guinea
- Communication and Information Sharing
- Background Information

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Interview information; Basic information; Knowledge; Employment and income loss; Access food and food security; Coping strategies; Access health; Public trust and security; Assets and well-being; Interview results.
-INDIVIDUAL: Interview information; Basic information; Employment and income loss.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Interview information; Basic information; Knowledge; Employment and income loss; Access food and food security; Coping strategies; Access health; Public trust and security; Assets and well-being; Interview results.
-INDIVIDUAL: Interview information; Basic information; Employment and income loss.

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 Pacific Data Hub

The 2000 Palau Population and Housing Census covers the following topics: Geographic distribution, Age and sex, Households, families, and marital status, Fertility, Mortality, Migration, Education and language, Religion, Labor force participation, Occupation, industry and class of worker, Income and poverty.

 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of the 2005 Palau Census of Population and Housing includes collecting, compiling, evaluating, analysing and releasing demographic and housing, economic and social data pertaining to all persons and their living quarters.

 Pacific Data Hub

Household Control Form: Collects basic demographic information from each member of the household such as, age, sex, marital status, ethnicity, etc.

Expenditure Questionnaire: Covers basic details about the dwelling structure and its access to things like water and sanitation. It was also used as a vehicle to collect expenditure on major and infrequent expenditures incurred by the household.

Income Questionnaire: Covers each of the main types of household income generated by the household such as wages and salaries, business income and income from subsistence activities.

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household size and composition; Ranked sources of income and average household expenditure level; Average household consumption patterns and sources; Average number of fishers and boats per household.

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Dwelling characteristics, Vechicles owned, Accessories owned, Activities, Expenditure, Income.
-INDIVIDUAL: Demographic characteristics, Labour force, Health, Communication, Expenditure, Income.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household size and composition; Ranked sources of income and average household expenditure level; Average household consumption patterns and sources; Average number of fishers and boats per household.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2010 Niue GSHS measured alcohol use; dietary behaviors; hygiene; mental health; physical activity; protective factors; tobacco use; and violence and unintentional injury.

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 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of the Population and Household Census includes:
- HOUSEHOLD: List of household member, Household characteristics, household appliances, water and sanitation, security of tenure and durability of housing, taro plantantions, livestock and poultry
- PERSON: Individual characteristics, education, occupation, usual residence, mass media, internet, health, reproduction

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household size and composition; Ranked sources of income and average household expenditure level; Average household consumption patterns and sources; Average number of fishers and boats per household.

 Pacific Data Hub

- HOUSEHOLD: Basic household characteristics of the private dwellings, including tenure, sanitation, water and electricity, household wealth and household activities.
- INDIVIDUAL: Basic demographic characteristics of individuals in a particular household dwelling, including age, sex, ethnicity, religion, internal migration, educational attainment, economic activity and fertility.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Nauru-STEPS survey was a representative, population-wide cross-sectional survey and involved collectingdata on levels of NCD risk factors among 15-64 year olds. Data collection moved along a sequential three-step process as follows:

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household size and composition; Ranked sources of income and average household expenditure level; Average household consumption patterns and sources; Average number of fishers and boats per household.

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Dwellin characteristics, Lighting, Water access, Sanitation, Dwelling tenure, Agricutlural assets, Expenditure, Income.
-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, Health, Education, Labour force, Income, Allowances.

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 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of the Census includes:
- HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, household listing, water and sanitation, crops, livestock, mortality
- PERSON: Demographic characteristics, child mortality, education, labour force, fertility

 Pacific Data Hub

Extracted from the Cover pages of the Questionnaire Modules:

 Pacific Data Hub

