44 results
 Pacific Data Hub

More than 180 women and men committed to gender equality and women’s empowerment attended the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development Annual Learning Workshop in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, from 30 April to 2 May.

The workshop is part of Pacific Women’s efforts to enhance knowledge and evidence to inform policy and practice. It is an opportunity for implementing partners and other stakeholders to meet and engage in meaningful discussions, present their research, share their experiences and learn from each other.

 Pacific Data Hub

During the fourth Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development PNG Annual Learning workshop, David Kulimbao, Project Coordinator at Community Development Workers Association Inc (CDWAI), and Pas Semai Linbao, Team Leader of the Tsak Rural Women Empowerment Foundation, reflected on their resilience and food production project.

 Pacific Data Hub

Tuiloma Neroni Slade (then Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum), John Gemba (a male advocate with Eastern Highlands Family Voice in Papua New Guinea), John Ericho (Director of Eastern Highlands Family Voice in Papua New Guinea), and Tura Lewai (a male advocate with the Fiji Women's Crisis Centre) reflect on the need for men and boys to be involved in ending violence against women.

 Pacific Data Hub

Working Together to Improve Gender Equality in the Pacific looks at the exisiting challenges of advancing gender equality in the areas of leadership and decision making, economic empowerment and ending violence against women. It also provides an overview and introduction to the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development program.

 Pacific Data Hub

Savina Nongebatu reflects on the experiences of women with disabilities in the Solomon Islands - the challenges they face and support they need - as well as shares her vision for the future.

 Pacific Data Hub

What were the factors that supported Kiribati's Minister for Education Hon. Maere Tekanene's progression into national level leadership? Watch to hear first-hand about her amazing and inspirational journey.

 Pacific Data Hub

Shamima Ali, Coordinator of the Fiji Women's Crisis Centre (FWCC), provides an overview of the issue of violence against women it the Pacific, the drivers of violence and the importance of engaging men.

 Pacific Data Hub

Vanuatu Women's Centre (VWC) Coordinator, Merilyn Tahi, elaborates on the services her organisation provides Ni-Van women and the research VWC has conducted on violence against women in Vanuatu.

 Pacific Data Hub

How can we encourage community members to take an active role in eliminating violence against women? Do the police play an important role in this? Hear what EribwebweTakirua, Police Inspector from the Domestic Violence and Sexual Offences Unit, Kiribati has to say about this.

 Pacific Data Hub

Tuiloma Neroni Slade (then Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum), John Gemba (a male advocate with Eastern Highlands Family Voice in Papua New Guinea), John Ericho (Director of Eastern Highlands Family Voice in Papua New Guinea), and Tura Lewai (a male advocate with the Fiji Women's Crisis Centre) reflect on the need for men and boys to be involved in ending violence against women.

 Pacific Data Hub

Alvina Erekali, the country program coordinator for UN Women in Solomon Islands, describes the Markets for Change initiative. She also shares challenges faced by women's organisations in Solomon Islands and her vision for the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development Program.

 Pacific Data Hub

Natasha Stott Despoja AO, Australia’s candidate for the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) was one of three special guests who provided pre-recorded messages for the ‘Pacific girls and COVID-19’ webinar.
The webinar promoted girls’ involvement as essential in the recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak.

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a pre-recorded poetry performance by Anna Jane Vea for the ‘Pacific girls and COVID-19’ webinar.
The webinar promoted girls’ involvement as essential in the recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak.
The poem ‘What I See, Hear and Understand’ was written for the Pacific Girl webinar and shares the perspective of an adolescent girl growing up in the Pacific.

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a pre-recorded musical performance by Mia Kami for the ‘Pacific girls and COVID-19’ webinar. The song was performed live.
The webinar promoted girls’ involvement as essential in the recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak.
The song ‘Dear Society’ is for Ms Kami’s sister, reflecting on the damaging expectations that society has of women, and why it’s important for us to support each other. It was composed in honour of her older sister who passed on at the age of 15 after undergoing multiple surgeries on her face to remove a tumour.

 Pacific Data Hub

Designed for and by girls, Pacific Girl is the only regional program in the Pacific dedicated to adolescent girls and advancing their rights and opportunities.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Pacific Women Support Unit welcomed partners, supporters and friends to its Pacific Women Close Out event. The event served as a celebration of nearly 10 years of partnership through the Pacific Women program, while also disseminating lessons learned from partners’ initiatives to inform future gender equality programming that is effective and transformative. Additionally, it was a welcome to the Pacific Women Lead program.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hear from women and men in the Pacific share their view of the future of gender equality in the Pacific, including the challenges ahead. Members of the Pacific Women Advisory Board reflect on the its contribution over the first half of the 10-year commitment.
The Pacific Women Advisory Board provides advice on the strategic direction of Pacific Women, assists in connecting the program with other influential leaders in the Pacific and advocates to support gender equality in the Pacific.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hear from women and men in the Pacific underscoring the need for continuous momentum of moving from push of adopting to implementing family protection laws. Members of the Pacific Women Advisory Board reflect on the its contribution over the first half of the 10-year commitment.
The Pacific Women Advisory Board provides advice on the strategic direction of Pacific Women, assists in connecting the program with other influential leaders in the Pacific and advocates to support gender equality in the Pacific.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hear from women and men in the Pacific highlight the importance of reflecting diversity in all areas of development. This includes meeting the needs of people with disabilities. Members of the Pacific Women Advisory Board reflect on the its contribution over the first half of the 10-year commitment.
The Pacific Women Advisory Board provides advice on the strategic direction of Pacific Women, assists in connecting the program with other influential leaders in the Pacific and advocates to support gender equality in the Pacific.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hear from women in the Pacific explaining the benefits of gender equality interventions that are tailormade in, and for, the region. Members of the Pacific Women Advisory Board reflect on the its contribution over the first half of the 10-year commitment.
The Pacific Women Advisory Board provides advice on the strategic direction of Pacific Women, assists in connecting the program with other influential leaders in the Pacific and advocates to support gender equality in the Pacific.