Detailed bathymetric survey of pilot dredge site, Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu, April 1992
Tonga magnetometer survey, September 1989
Tonga vibro-air survey, August 1988
Ba seismic survey Viti Levu, Fiji, 11-29 July 1988
Geophysical cruise report for Mele Bay and Port Havannah, Vanuatu, August 1990
Offshore survey for construction materials, Nuku'alofa, Tonga, 23 October - 11 November 1989
Detailed bathymetric survey, Nukubucu islet dredge site, SOPAC cruise FJ9002, September 1990
Geophysical survey of lagoon sediments, Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu, July 1991
Bathymetric survey of Monasavu lake, Fiji, May 1993
Detailed high resolution survey, Basin A, Fafa Island, Nuku'alofa lagoon, Tonga, July 1991
Geophysics and the Rewa river pipe line, June 1992
Geophysical cruise report for Mele Bay and Port Havannah, Vanuatu
Reservoir sedimentation Monasavu hydro lake
Coral reef benthic surveys of Tarawa and Abaiang atolls, Republic of Kiribati
Environmental impact assessment of sand resource extraction, North of Tongatapu
Water and sanitation project, water supply and sanitation collaborative council working group on demand management and conservation workshop trip report, Oslo, Norway, 28-30 April 1997
Water and sanitation project, visit to Niue, 25-29 April 1995
Water and sanitation project,visit to Cook Islands, 28 January - 1 February 1995
Pacific Water Association; report of the meeting on possible collaboration with the world plumbing council held at SOPAC Secretariat, Suva, Fiji, 10 September 1998