15446 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – joint national action plan task force meeting, Tonga, 8-16 December 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – Review of Disaster Risk Management Governance Arrangements in Tuvalu, 11-18 January 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – climate change policy and national strategic action plan on climate change adaptation/disaster risk management, Tuvalu, 20 September – 4 October 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – joint national action plan for Tuvalu, 12-19 July 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati Technical Report: 1. Extent of household aggregate mining in South Tarawa; 2. Proposed integrated monitoring framework for Tarawa Lagoon

 Pacific Data Hub

Vanuatu national action plan, planning for change workshop, USP Campus, Port Vila, Monday, 2 to Wednesday, 4 October 2006

 Pacific Data Hub

Proceedings of the Tonga National workshop on the use of the offshore aggregates dredging guidelines and action plan Nuku'alofa, Tonga, 14-15 March 2005 & the draft code of practice for regulating agency and for dredging companies

 Pacific Data Hub

Vanuatu country mission report, 28 June - 12 July 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Vanuatu disaster risk reduction and disaster management national action plan (2006 - 2016)

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Islands Technical report - Planning guidelines for offshore aggregates dredging: sustainable development and management of marine-sourced aggregates, September 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Issue 52, May 2008; inaugural Pacific regional disaster management meeting for Pacific CEOs of finance/planning and disaster management; 3rd annual meeting of the Pacific DRM partnership network; 14th regional disaster managers meeting; Samoa works towar

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Country report, Sea level & climate: their present state, Kiribati, June 2002

 Pacific Data Hub

Survey report: Precise differential levelling Fiji, May 2003

 Pacific Data Hub

Survey report: Precise defferential, levelling Kiribati, June 2002

 Pacific Data Hub

Survey report: Precise differential, levelling, Marshall Islands, February 2003

 Pacific Data Hub

Survey report: precise differential, levelling, Nauru, November 2003

 Pacific Data Hub

Survey report: precise differential, levelling, Vanuatu, September 2002

 Pacific Data Hub

Survey report: precise differential, levelling, Vanuatu, May 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Survey report: precise differential, levelling, Kiribati, June 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Survey report: precise differential, levelling, Samoa, September 2004